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Gold Project sentence examples within City Gold Project

Lacustrine Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) as bioindicators of arsenic concentration within the Yellowknife City Gold Project, Northwest Territories, Canada

New Insights into Gold Mineralization at the Yellowknife City Gold Project, Northwest Territories from Synchrotron micro-XRF and PXRD

Gold Project sentence examples within Kubi Gold Project

Elucidating Pathfinding Elements from the Kubi Gold Mine in Ghana

Characterization and identification of Au pathfinder minerals from an artisanal mine site using X-ray diffraction

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Relationship between Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credits and Project Size in the LEED-NC Version 3 (v3) and 4 (v4) Projects

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Participation or frustration? Local stakeholders and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Donlin gold project, Western Alaska

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Lacustrine Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) as bioindicators of arsenic concentration within the Yellowknife City Gold Project, Northwest Territories, Canada

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Overcoming conflicting notions of climate forecasts reliability and skill in the agricultural sector: lessons from the MED-GOLD project

Elucidating Pathfinding Elements from the Kubi Gold Mine in Ghana

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Multiple-Scale Synchrotron and Lab Source X-Ray Fluorescence 2D Mapping of Gold Mineralization Styles at the Troilus Gold Project, Frotêt-Evans Greenstone Belt, Quebec, Canada

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Return period analysis to assess the long-term impact of climate change on olive sector in Andalusia, Spain - results from the Med-Gold project

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Characterization and identification of Au pathfinder minerals from an artisanal mine site using X-ray diffraction


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The MED-GOLD project: Advanced user-centric climate services for higher resilience and profitability in the grape and wine sector

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New Insights into Gold Mineralization at the Yellowknife City Gold Project, Northwest Territories from Synchrotron micro-XRF and PXRD

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3D mineral potential modelling of gold distribution at the Tampia gold deposit

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Magmatic evolution of the Cerro Maricunga gold porphyry-epithermal system, Maricunga belt, N-Chile

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Gold Project