Introduction to Gold Nanodisks
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Here, we analyze and compare the sensing performance of silicon and gold nanodisks using a common and unbiased testing framework.
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This spectroscopic tool has been validated using individual nanofabricated antennas (gold nanodisks/nanocones) on a glass substrate, which act as nanoresonators based on localized surface plasmons.
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Gold nanodisks of various diameters were illuminated in the near-infrared (λ = 975 nm) and a single fluorescent nanocrystal glued at the end of an atomic force microscope tip was scanned around them.
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Gold nanodisks array with minimal effect from the glass substrates have been fabricated using nanosphere lithography and HF undercutting.
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Liyong Jiang and co-workers at Nanjing University of Science and Technology have demonstrated two new methods for in-plane illumination of LSPRs on gold nanodisks.
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The device is configured by an hexagonal array of flexible rigid/soft polymeric nanopillars capped with plasmonic gold nanodisks integrated inside a microfluidic channel.
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We present a novel plasmonic hydrogen sensor consisting of an array of gold nanodisks produced by lithography.
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The ultrafast laser-excited breathing vibrations of gold nanodisks with different crystal structures have been studied via atomistic simulations.
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A nanocomposite comprising gold nanodisks (Au NDs) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanophases sandwiched between zeolite nanosheets was fabricated for hydrogen production by plasmonic photocatalytic reforming of methanol.
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The plasmonic and vibrational properties of single gold nanodisks patterned on a sapphire substrate are investigated via spatial modulation and pump-probe optical spectroscopies.
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Here, we use ultrathin single-crystalline gold nanodisks featuring large in-plane electric dipole moments.
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