Gigantea Leaves in a Sentence
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Gigantea Leaves
gigantea leaves are proven to act as therapeutic agents by inhibiting the cancer cell growth of Panc-1 cells.
gigantea leaves are proven to act as therapeutic agents by inhibiting the cancer cell growth of Panc-1 cells.
Gigantea Leaves
gigantea leaves such as phenol and carbonyl were identified through UV–Vis and FTIR.
gigantea leaves such as phenol and carbonyl were identified through UV–Vis and FTIR.
Gigantea Leaves
Calotropis gigantea leaves have long been used to treat abdominal pain, tumours, skin problems, wounds, and insect stings.
Calotropis gigantea leaves have long been used to treat abdominal pain, tumours, skin problems, wounds, and insect stings.
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Gigantea Leaves