Function Precedes in a Sentence
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It is well-established that endothelial dysfunction precedes the onset of cardiovascular disease, therefore NOX are important molecular links between type 2 diabetes and vascular complications.
Our recent report showed in a rat model of renal transplantation that mitochondrial dysfunction precedes compromised proteasome function and this results in a vicious cycle of mitochondrial injury and proteasome dysfunction.
Background: Numerous published studies indicate that microvascular endothelial dysfunction precedes cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease, and that preservation of a healthy cerebrovascular endothelium can be an important.
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Reduced lung function precedes and significantly predicts the future development of T2D independently of obesity, smoking and inflammation in community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly people.
Rods contribute crucially to human vision and their dysfunction precedes cones’ in several retinal diseases.
Endothelial dysfunction precedes atherosclerosis and smoking is a well-known risk factor for the development of endothelial dysfunction.
Long-term hyperglycemia conditions promote endothelial dysfunction precedes to the development of multiple organ dysfunctions.
Here, we review compelling evidence from two lines of inquiry: one that links microvascular rarefaction with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) deficiencies, and another which posits that vascular dysfunction precedes hypertension.
These findings indicate that brachial artery dysfunction precedes an inefficient functional sympatholysis.
However, ALS is being redefined as a distal axonopathy, in that neuromuscular junction dysfunction precedes and may even influence motoneuron loss.
Conclusions Our findings suggest that HFD-induced microvascular dysfunction precedes the decline in renal function, and could be related to antioxidant machinery defects and inflammation activation in the kidney.