Introduction to Frame Identification
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Frame Identification sentence examples within frame semantic parsing
Frame Identification sentence examples within copy move forgery
In the past decades, although machine intelligence has been widely adopted to detect the forgery in digital images automatically, It still remains a very challenging detection task for carefully-crafted copy-move forgery in digital video for three reasons: (i) A video of medium length containing hundreds of frames already incurs a prohibitive computational cost; (ii) Similar backgrounds in contiguous frames are easily mistakenly detected as copy-move forgery regions, resulting to a large number of false alarms; (iii) Most state-of-the-art methods cannot detect video copy-move inter-frame or intra-frame forgeries; To effectively address these issues, a fast forgery frame detection method for video copy-move inter/intra-frame identification is proposed: (i) The sparse feature extraction and matching speed-up the algorithm processing and reduce the time cost greatly (Defect (i)); (ii) The adaptive two-pass filtering and copy-move frame-pair matching can address the similarity problem (Defect (ii)) to locate truly forgery frame-pairs (FFP); (iii) Based on the results of these FFP, the type of video copy-move forgery detection can be identified (Defect (iii)).
In the past decades, although machine intelligence has been widely adopted to detect the forgery in digital images automatically, It still remains a very challenging detection task for carefully-crafted copy-move forgery in digital video for three reasons: (i) A video of medium length containing hundreds of frames already incurs a prohibitive computational cost; (ii) Similar backgrounds in contiguous frames are easily mistakenly detected as copy-move forgery regions, resulting to a large number of false alarms; (iii) Most state-of-the-art methods cannot detect video copy-move inter-frame or intra-frame forgeries; To effectively address these issues, a fast forgery frame detection method for video copy-move inter/intra-frame identification is proposed: (i) The sparse feature extraction and matching speed-up the algorithm processing and reduce the time cost greatly (Defect (i)); (ii) The adaptive two-pass filtering and copy-move frame-pair matching can address the similarity problem (Defect (ii)) to locate truly forgery frame-pairs (FFP); (iii) Based on the results of these FFP, the type of video copy-move forgery detection can be identified (Defect (iii)).
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Frame Identification sentence examples within Key Frame Identification
The first step proposes and uses a key frame identification algorithm to extract a set of optimal frames.
The first step proposes and uses a key frame identification algorithm to extract a set of optimal frames.
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With the video imprint representation, it is convenient to reverse map back to both temporal and spatial locations in video frames, allowing for both key frame identification and key areas localization within each frame.
With the video imprint representation, it is convenient to reverse map back to both temporal and spatial locations in video frames, allowing for both key frame identification and key areas localization within each frame.
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Learn more from Frame Identification
Frame Identification sentence examples within Namely Frame Identification
Current researches on frame semantic parsing include three subtasks, namely frame identification, argument identification and role classification.
Current researches on frame semantic parsing include three subtasks, namely frame identification, argument identification and role classification.
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This work explores how structural information from these lexical resources can lead to gains in a downstream task, namely frame identification.
This work explores how structural information from these lexical resources can lead to gains in a downstream task, namely frame identification.
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More Frame Identification sentence examples
Different from the previous studies, this study proposes novel methods which does not require any image segmentation to perform simultaneously key-frame identification and LAV estimation.
Different from the previous studies, this study proposes novel methods which does not require any image segmentation to perform simultaneously key-frame identification and LAV estimation.
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Learn more from Frame Identification
Keywords related to Frame
Frame Transformations
Frame Typing
Frame Connections
Frame Rates
Frame Current
Frame Memory
Frame Structure
Frame Core Tube
Frame External
Frame System
Frame Phase Locked
Frame Considering
Frame Structures
Frame Bridges
Frame Rate
Frame Duplication
Frame Composite
Frame Beam
Frame Shift
Frame Vibration
Frame Alignment
Frame Shift Mutation
Frame Selection
Frame Shear Wall
Frame Independent
Frame Supporting
Frame Length
Frame Made
Frame Models
Frame Prediction
Frame Shear
Frame Element
Frame Joints
Frame Building
Frame Interpolation
Frame Sequence
Frame Coefficients
Frame Properties
Frame Saw
Frame Approach
Frame Retrofitted
Frame Model
Frame Beams
Frame Control
Frame Analysis
Frame Theory
Frame Strengthened
Frame Packing
Frame Equipped
Frame Glasses
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Keywords related to Identification
Facilitate Identification
Wireless Identification
Phenotype Identification
Materials Identification
Ligand Identification
Mimo Identification
Service Identification
Remote Identification
Isomer Identification
Mci Identification
Gland Identification
Stiffness Identification
Material Identification
Parametric Identification
Pattern Identification
Screening Identification
Task Identification
Numerical Identification
Organizational Identification
Timely Identification
Camera Identification
Correct Identification
Vessel Identification
Rna Identification
Fracture Identification
Biomarkers Identification
Children Identification
Part Identification
Qtl Identification
Structures Identification
Blind Identification
Function Identification
Nonparametric Identification
Voice Identification
Employee Customer Identification
Boundary Identification
Conditions Identification
Nerve Identification
Radiological Identification
Proteome Wide Identification
Genome Wide Identification
Selective Identification
Radiofrequency Identification
Region Identification
Classification Identification
Simultaneous Identification
Response Identification
Strain Identification
Patients Identification
Mechanism Identification
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Frame Identification