Introduction to Fluorescent Pigment
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Fluorescent Pigment sentence examples within Daylight Fluorescent Pigment
This paper explores how the potential display of a leather jacket painted with daylight fluorescent pigments under visible and/or ultraviolet radiation impacted the treatment, interpretation, and exhibition.
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deal with the preservation of a Stephen Sprouse-designed leather jacket painted with daylight fluorescent pigments by Stefano Castronovo in the 1980s.
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Specifically, we describe light scattering by coral skeletons, coenoarc tissues, polyp tentacles and areas covered by fluorescent pigments (FP).
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Fluorescent pigments were mostly found in the epidermis.
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Pellicle formation during liquid culture and strong fluorescent pigment production on King’s B medium are typical features of strain XWS2.
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However, identification of different microalgae populations by autofluorescent pigments remains a challenge because of the very strong signal from chlorophyll.
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To mark mosquitoes emerging from breeding sites, we used self-marking units with fluorescent pigment that have minimal impact on mosquito survival and behaviour.
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The micro-sized green fluorescent pigment not only endowed thermoplastic polyurethane film with color, but also acted as nucleating agent to influence the cell morphology of thermoplastic polyurethane foam.
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The model system employed a yellow fluorescent pigment that is known to be an effective tracer of mancozeb deposition.
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To increase the stability of pigment dispersion, fluorescent pigment latex was prepared by encapsulating poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) on the surface of C.
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The effect of organic film shade on the fluorescent emission was also studied and fluorescent pigmented varnishes (yellow, red and blue) have high, medium and low fluorescence intensity, respectively.
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GZ leaf extracts improved pharyngeal pumping function and autofluorescent pigment attenuation suggesting anti-aging properties.
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This paper explores how the potential display of a leather jacket painted with daylight fluorescent pigments under visible and/or ultraviolet radiation impacted the treatment, interpretation, and exhibition.
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As its name involve, it secretes a soluble greenish fluorescent pigment called fluorescein, particularly under conditions of low iron availability.
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Along with lipofuscin, a fluorescent pigment, all organs were shown to contain non-fluorescent protein aggregates: their level was the highest in the heart muscle and the lowest in the liver.
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MethodsA modified self-marking unit that marks mosquitoes with fluorescent pigment as they emerge from their breeding site was developed based on a previous design for Culex mosquitoes.
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We use the absorption and emission characteristics of common coral fluorescent pigments and proteins to create model spectra and colours for an Earth-like planet in such a system, accounting for different surface features, atmospheric absorption, and cloud cover.
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(production of cell wall degrading enzymes, production of HCN and fluorescent pigment).
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deal with the preservation of a Stephen Sprouse-designed leather jacket painted with daylight fluorescent pigments by Stefano Castronovo in the 1980s.
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