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Imaging of water soluble CdTe/CdS core-shell quantum dots in inhibiting multidrug resistance of cancer cells.

Tumor targeting with DGEA peptide ligands: a new aromatic peptide amphiphile for imaging cancers.

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Natural-based hydrogels: A journey from simple to smart networks for medical examination.

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Imaging of water soluble CdTe/CdS core-shell quantum dots in inhibiting multidrug resistance of cancer cells.

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Conformationally Induced Off-On Two-Photon Fluorescent Bioprobes for Dynamically Tracking the Interactions among Multiple Organelles.

Tumor targeting with DGEA peptide ligands: a new aromatic peptide amphiphile for imaging cancers.

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Quantum dot encapsulated nanocolloidal bioconjugates function as bioprobes for in vitro intracellular imaging.

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Fluorescent Bioprobe