Introduction to Fluorescence Yields
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Fluorescence Yields sentence examples within Shell Fluorescence Yields
Fluorescence Yields sentence examples within Maximal Fluorescence Yields
At the same time, a disorder of the photosynthetic activity was confirmed by CFI via maximal fluorescence yields of spikelets (Fm) 5 dai.
At the same time, a disorder of the photosynthetic activity was confirmed by CFI via maximal fluorescence yields of spikelets (Fm) 5 dai.
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Values of minimal and maximal fluorescence yields in dark- and light-adapted states in both red and green leaves were all positively and significantly correlated with Chl contents under dark conditions and all PPFD treatments for 20 min.
Values of minimal and maximal fluorescence yields in dark- and light-adapted states in both red and green leaves were all positively and significantly correlated with Chl contents under dark conditions and all PPFD treatments for 20 min.
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Fluorescence Yields sentence examples within fluorescence yields obtained
6 keV by using K shell fluorescence yields obtained from energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence measurements.
6 keV by using K shell fluorescence yields obtained from energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence measurements.
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6 keV by using K shell fluorescence yields obtained from energy.
6 keV by using K shell fluorescence yields obtained from energy.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
Therefore, these polarization dependent oscillation features of XEOL yields that follow the fluorescence yields can be used as an alternative way to determine the crystallographic orientations.
Therefore, these polarization dependent oscillation features of XEOL yields that follow the fluorescence yields can be used as an alternative way to determine the crystallographic orientations.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
In this study, M βα X-ray production cross-sections and average M-shell fluorescence yields were determined by using EDXRF at 5.
In this study, M βα X-ray production cross-sections and average M-shell fluorescence yields were determined by using EDXRF at 5.
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This sequential two-photon, repumped fluorescence yields background-free collection with potential for new high-sensitivity fluorescence imaging schemes.
This sequential two-photon, repumped fluorescence yields background-free collection with potential for new high-sensitivity fluorescence imaging schemes.
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The obtained cross section values are compared to theoretical values employing commonly used datasets for fluorescence yields, emission rates, Coster-Kronig transitions and M-shell ionization cross sections based on the Semi-classical Approximation (United Atom and Separated Atom limits), PWBA (Plane Wave Born approximation), and ECPSSR models.
The obtained cross section values are compared to theoretical values employing commonly used datasets for fluorescence yields, emission rates, Coster-Kronig transitions and M-shell ionization cross sections based on the Semi-classical Approximation (United Atom and Separated Atom limits), PWBA (Plane Wave Born approximation), and ECPSSR models.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
With a two-color scheme, several fluorescence yields can be probed simultaneously.
With a two-color scheme, several fluorescence yields can be probed simultaneously.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
At the same time, a disorder of the photosynthetic activity was confirmed by CFI via maximal fluorescence yields of spikelets (Fm) 5 dai.
At the same time, a disorder of the photosynthetic activity was confirmed by CFI via maximal fluorescence yields of spikelets (Fm) 5 dai.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
Values of minimal and maximal fluorescence yields in dark- and light-adapted states in both red and green leaves were all positively and significantly correlated with Chl contents under dark conditions and all PPFD treatments for 20 min.
Values of minimal and maximal fluorescence yields in dark- and light-adapted states in both red and green leaves were all positively and significantly correlated with Chl contents under dark conditions and all PPFD treatments for 20 min.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
Interestingly, the fluorescence yields of the dimethylamino derivatives are much larger (up to one order of magnitude) than those of the corresponding unsubstituted compounds.
Interestingly, the fluorescence yields of the dimethylamino derivatives are much larger (up to one order of magnitude) than those of the corresponding unsubstituted compounds.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
The emission studies performed using different solvents revealed the fluorescence yields in the range of 0.
The emission studies performed using different solvents revealed the fluorescence yields in the range of 0.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
In recent years, such tools have become widely used in mammalian cells but are less commonly used in invertebrate systems, mostly due to low fluorescence yields.
In recent years, such tools have become widely used in mammalian cells but are less commonly used in invertebrate systems, mostly due to low fluorescence yields.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
The recent advances in the instrumental operating detection system provide better understanding of the several atomic parameters such as characteristic x-ray emission lines, relative intensity ratio and line-width, transition probabilities, Coster-Kronig transitions and fluorescence yields.
The recent advances in the instrumental operating detection system provide better understanding of the several atomic parameters such as characteristic x-ray emission lines, relative intensity ratio and line-width, transition probabilities, Coster-Kronig transitions and fluorescence yields.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
The sensitivity of the theoretical L shell and Li subshell X-ray production cross-sections to the adopted fluorescence yields and Coster–Kronig coefficients was also studied.
The sensitivity of the theoretical L shell and Li subshell X-ray production cross-sections to the adopted fluorescence yields and Coster–Kronig coefficients was also studied.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
While some SPNs have significant photothermal conversion efficiencies (PCEs) as photothermal and photoacoustic agents, other SPNs offer high fluorescence yields as photoluminescent agents.
While some SPNs have significant photothermal conversion efficiencies (PCEs) as photothermal and photoacoustic agents, other SPNs offer high fluorescence yields as photoluminescent agents.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
The fast repetition rate (FRR) QA flash protocol of this instrument monitors chlorophyll fluorescence yields with reduced QA irrespective of the redox state of plastoquinone (PQ), as well as during strong ~1 s white light pulses that fully reduce the PQ pool.
The fast repetition rate (FRR) QA flash protocol of this instrument monitors chlorophyll fluorescence yields with reduced QA irrespective of the redox state of plastoquinone (PQ), as well as during strong ~1 s white light pulses that fully reduce the PQ pool.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
Since K shell is a core shell for transition metals and it is not easily be affected by valence shell electronic distributions, K shell fluorescence yields were used for the semi-empirical determinations.
Since K shell is a core shell for transition metals and it is not easily be affected by valence shell electronic distributions, K shell fluorescence yields were used for the semi-empirical determinations.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
6 keV by using K shell fluorescence yields obtained from energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence measurements.
6 keV by using K shell fluorescence yields obtained from energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence measurements.
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More Fluorescence Yields sentence examples
The recent advances in the instrumental operating detection system provide better understanding of the several atomic parameters such as characteristic x-ray emission lines, relative intensity ratio and line-width, transition probabilities, Coster-Kronig transitions and fluorescence yields.
The recent advances in the instrumental operating detection system provide better understanding of the several atomic parameters such as characteristic x-ray emission lines, relative intensity ratio and line-width, transition probabilities, Coster-Kronig transitions and fluorescence yields.
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Keywords related to Fluorescence
Fluorescence Response
Fluorescence Reporter
Fluorescence Thermal
Fluorescence Quantum
Fluorescence Detecting
Fluorescence Dynamics
Fluorescence Device
Fluorescence Polymers
Fluorescence Assays
Fluorescence Techniques
Fluorescence Data
Fluorescence Time
Fluorescence Ph
Fluorescence Colocalization
Fluorescence Labels
Fluorescence Probe
Fluorescence Wavelength
Fluorescence Spectrum
Fluorescence Visualization
Fluorescence Tomography
Fluorescence Strategy
Fluorescence Aptasensor
Fluorescence Spectrophotometry
Fluorescence Determination
Fluorescence Thermometry
Fluorescence Cell
Fluorescence Guided
Fluorescence Imprinted
Fluorescence Detector
Fluorescence Immunochromatographic
Fluorescence Transients
Fluorescence Enhanced Probe
Fluorescence Modulation
Fluorescence Immunosensor
Fluorescence Identification
Fluorescence Enzyme
Fluorescence Dye
Fluorescence Imaging Guided
Fluorescence Luminogens
Fluorescence Molecular
Fluorescence Efficiency
Fluorescence Performance
Fluorescence Lifetimes
Fluorescence Activated
Fluorescence Nanoscopy
Fluorescence Ratiometric
Fluorescence Depolarization
Fluorescence Screening
Fluorescence Stability
Fluorescence Biosensor
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Keywords related to Yields
Cut Yields
Growth Yields
Culture Yields
Sustainable Yields
Flow Yields
Potential Yields
Analysis Yields
Protein Yields
Sediment Yields
Crop Yields
Water Yields
Energy Yields
Random Yields
Biogas Yields
Data Yields
Corn Yields
Reaction Yields
Milk Yields
Wheat Yields
Cereal Yields
Extraction Yields
Crops Yields
Product Yields
Production Yields
Fisheries Yields
Fission Yields
Milling Yields
Radical Yields
Demand Yields
Soybean Yields
Mushroom Yields
Ion Yields
Maize Yields
Diagnostic Yields
Bond Yields
Stable Yields
Biomass Yields
Agricultural Yields
Increasing Yields
Oil Yields
Grain Yields
Sugar Yields
Design Yields
System Yields
Increased Yields
Ethanol Yields
Structure Yields
Tuber Yields
Seed Yields
Cells Yields
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Fluorescence Yields