Introduction to Fig Fruits
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Fig Fruits sentence examples within Ripe Fig Fruits
Fig Fruits sentence examples within fig fruits gently
Ripe fig fruits gently picked manually and treated with 0.
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We evaluated the SDE of hemi-epiphytic figs using qualitative and quantitative components by three relatively large-sized (> 3 kg) arboreal and volant animals in Bornean rainforests that largely depend on fig fruits in their diets: binturongs Arctictis binturong, Mueller’s gibbons Hylobates muelleri, and helmeted hornbills Rhinoplax vigil.
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5% chitosan, 200 mg L− thymol and their combined use on postharvest quality of fig fruits cv.
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Local varieties of fig fruits (genus Ficus) are classified by their morphological characteristics mainly color of outer layer versus color inside.
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Drupe fruits were abundant for four months, whereas the other fourteen months were dominated by fig fruits.
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,The analyses of fig fruits and fig jellies were performed in triplicate.
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The fig fruits are still relatively expensive, so it is not optimal to be developed into various products.
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Ripe fig fruits gently picked manually and treated with 0.
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Also Gurma pulp up to 20% could incorporated in blends with fig fruits for producinggood quality fig-melon mixed jam.
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Regression analysis showed a significant negative linear relationship between the number of nematodes/kg soil and the number of guava and fig fruits/tree.
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In contrast to studies conducted in lower‐elevation chimpanzee sites, figs (especially Ficus lutea) were preferred resources, flowers were consumed at seasonally high rates and the proportion of non‐fig fruits in the diet were relatively low in the current study.
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All but one culture formed normal zoospores, and all five were still pathogenic to fig fruits.
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This research was aimed to study acute oral toxicity of young and ripe hairy fig fruits using Wistar rats as model.
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Fig fruits being highly perishable need to be consumed either fresh or processed products.
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