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Female Beach sentence examples within female beach volleyball

Evaluation of Performance Characteristics and Internal and External Training Loads in Female Collegiate Beach Volleyball Players.

Quantifying the Activity Profile of Female Beach Volleyball Tournament Match-Play.

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Evaluation of Performance Characteristics and Internal and External Training Loads in Female Collegiate Beach Volleyball Players.

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Fitness and Performance Testing of Male and Female Beach Soccer Players—A Preliminary Investigation

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Quantifying the Activity Profile of Female Beach Volleyball Tournament Match-Play.

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Cutaneous larva migrans in a beach volleyball player

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Match analysis and heart rate of top-level female beach volleyball players during international and national competitions: case study.

Sun protection and young female beachgoers: A formative theory‐based approach to identifying key sun safe beliefs

Sexual dimorphism modifies habitat‐associated divergence: Evidence from beach and creek breeding sockeye salmon

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Physical and technical demands of elite beach volleyball according to playing position and gender.

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Female Beach