Introduction to Exponent 2
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Under the Chung-Lu random graph model with n vertices, max degree Θ(√n), and the power-law exponent 24-β/3-β, by optimally choosing the first slice, with high probability our algorithm can correctly match a constant fraction of the true pairs without any error, provided with only Ω((log n)4-β) initial seeds.
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Under the Chung-Lu random graph model with n vertices, max degree Θ(√n), and the power-law exponent 2 4-β/3-β, by optimally choosing the first slice, with high probability our algorithm can correctly match a constant fraction of the true pairs without any error, provided with only Ω((log n)4-β) initial seeds.
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Exponent 2 sentence examples within exponent 2 n
Furthermore, we provide some indication why the exponent 2 n could be essentially optimal.
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In this paper, we investigate a similar question about the largest number of vertices npk in a primitive regular graph of order k with exponent 2.
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We apply the invariant $$\mathrm{inv}$$
and a few deep results from algebraic geometry and K-theory to construct a field extension K/k with $$\mathrm{cd}_2 K=3$$
, and an indecomposable cross product algebra of exponent 2 with respect to the extension $$K(\sqrt{a},\sqrt{b},\sqrt{d})/K$$.
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We find that even for SF networks with the degree exponent 2<λ<3, a hybrid PT occurs at a finite transition point tc, which we can control by the suppression strength.
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Under the Chung-Lu random graph model with n vertices, max degree Θ(√n), and the power-law exponent 24-β/3-β, by optimally choosing the first slice, with high probability our algorithm can correctly match a constant fraction of the true pairs without any error, provided with only Ω((log n)4-β) initial seeds.
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Remarkably, the current is robust against the disorder which is consistent with the lattice symmetry, and in the weak excitation limit, the current shows a power-law scaling with intensity characterized by the novel exponent 2/3.
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For example, we prove that, for any finite $$A \subset {\mathbb {R}}$$ A ⊂ R the following superquadratic bound holds: This improves on a bound with exponent 2 that was given in Rudnev and Shkredov.
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For comparison, two commonly used outlet conditions (exponent 2 & 3 in Murray’s Law) were also considered.
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If $\mathfrak C(D,p)$ denotes the group of translation invariant Clifford QCAs modulo Clifford circuits and shifts on a uniform $D$-dimensional lattice of $p$-dimensional qudits, we prove that $\mathfrak C(D,p)$ has exponent 2 or 4 depending on the prime $p$, that $\mathfrak C(D=2,p) = 0$, and that $\mathfrak C(D = 3, p)$ contains the Witt group of the finite field $\mathbb F_p$.
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By using the pseudo-metric introduced in Golse and Paul (Arch Ration Mech Anal 223:57–94, 2017), which is an analogue of the Wasserstein distance of exponent 2 between a quantum density operator and a classical (phase-space) density, we prove that the convergence of time splitting algorithms for the von Neumann equation of quantum dynamics is uniform in the Planck constant $$\hbar $$ ħ.
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For n≥1, we find a prethermal regime, the lifetime of which grows algebraically with the driving rate, with exponent 2n+1.
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110-2018 standard about the winding Eddy losses to be increasing in accordance with the non-sinusoidal load current with the exponent 2 is realized to be unsuitable for solar photovoltaic application.
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We will relax the independence condition of Bernoulli variables, and develop a generalized Bernoulli process that is stationary and has auto-covariance function that obeys power law with exponent 2H – 2, H ∈ (0, 1).
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Under the Chung-Lu random graph model with n vertices, max degree Θ(√n), and the power-law exponent 2 4-β/3-β, by optimally choosing the first slice, with high probability our algorithm can correctly match a constant fraction of the true pairs without any error, provided with only Ω((log n)4-β) initial seeds.
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A transition to buckling with stress focusing is reported for the sheets sufficiently narrow with a critical width proportional to the sheet length with an exponent 2/3 in the small thickness limit.
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Furthermore, we provide some indication why the exponent 2 n could be essentially optimal.
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If the representations are also bounded from below, we show that $$\mu $$ μ satisfies a reverse Hölder inequality with exponent 2, and is consequently in $$L^{2 + \epsilon }$$ L 2 + ϵ by Gehring’s lemma.
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The amplitude and peak position in χ ac ( T ) decreases with an increase in the DC bias field, which indicates that the spin-glass phase can survive in the presence of low fields forming a critical line with an exponent 2/3.
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The critical exponent 2 n seems to be essentially optimal which was given by [30].
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By Monte Carlo simulations, we confirm that a power law distribution of the scaling exponent 2.
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We consider a quasivariety qH2 generated by a relatively free group in a class of nilpotent groups of class at most 2 with commutator subgroup of exponent 2.
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Over an alphabet of size 3 we construct an infinite balanced word with critical exponent 2+sqrt(2)/2.
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Particle absorption Ångström exponent 26 (AAE) was deduced and utilized to differentiate light absorption by BrC from black carbon 27 (BC).
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This results in different dynamic exponents to the interface and the particle: the former behaves as an Edward-Wilkinson surface with dynamic exponent 2, whereas the latter has dynamic exponent 3/2.
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We will show that the class of reversible cellular automata (CA) with right Lyapunov exponent 2 cannot be separated algorithmically from the class of reversible CA whose right Lyapunov exponents are at most \(2-\delta \) for some absolute constant \(\delta >0\).
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We provide compelling evidence that the critical coupling vanishes as the number of oscillators increases for scale-free networks characterized by a power-law degree distribution with an exponent 23, we show that the critical coupling remains finite, in agreement with HMF calculations and highlight phenomenological differences between critical properties of phase oscillators and epidemic models on scale-free networks.
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We analytically confirm that at the critical point of the small/large black hole phase transition, the scalar curvature has a critical exponent 2, and $R(1\ensuremath{-}\stackrel{\texttildelow{}}{T}{)}^{2}{C}_{v}=1/8$, the same as that of a van der Waals fluid.
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For example, we prove that, for any finite $$A \subset {\mathbb {R}}$$ A ⊂ R the following superquadratic bound holds: This improves on a bound with exponent 2 that was given in Rudnev and Shkredov.
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On Erdos-Renyi graphs and random power law graphs with degree distribution exponent 2 < &bgr; < 3, our algorithm outputs an exact distance data structure with space between T(n5/4) and T(n3/2) depending on the value of &bgr;, where n is the number of vertices.
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These two varieties are remarkable with the property that they are the only minimal varieties of exponent 2.
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By using the pseudo-metric introduced in Golse and Paul (Arch Ration Mech Anal 223:57–94, 2017), which is an analogue of the Wasserstein distance of exponent 2 between a quantum density operator and a classical (phase-space) density, we prove that the convergence of time splitting algorithms for the von Neumann equation of quantum dynamics is uniform in the Planck constant $$\hbar $$ ħ.
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The results can be applied to subcritical, critical and supercritical values of the exponent 2 q + 1.
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