Introduction to Et Emotions
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Méthode : Netnographie des perceptions et émotions liées au diabète par théorisation ancrée en double codage, sur les échanges de deux groupes de discussion Facebook parus entre le 17 mars et le 31 mai 2020.
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I follow repertoires of contention in four crucial moments characterized by shifting scales of the geopolitical embeddedness of the city: (1) an early Luddite riot of 1861 in the Polish autonomous sub-state within the Russian Empire, (2) the first massive labor protest and the following pogrom of 1892 in the city already fully subsumed under the imperial governance, (3) a failed revolution of 1905 with a sophisticated feedback loop between party politics and street emotions, (4) mobilization practices during the German military occupation during the IWW culminating in the tram workers strike of 1917, (5) developing forms of industrial bargaining in the early Polish state after 1918.
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However, cultural differences might influence the effectiveness of some video clips to elicit the target emotions.
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The ability to interpret emotions from both faces and speech prosody increased with age.
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Here, we differentiate between the components of EA (tracking accuracy, directional discrepancy) as well as the valence of the target emotions (positive vs.
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Dans quelle mesure la sociologie permet-elle d’objectiver les connexions souterraines entre nos desirs les plus intimes et les inflechissements du capitalisme ? Cet ouvrage, emblematique du « tournant emotionnel » qui traverse actuellement les sciences humaines et sociales, explore precisement les liens entre consommation et emotions pour reactualiser les perspectives de l’analyse culturelle.
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We show that we were able to evoke hundreds of instances of our target emotions in this cohort and present an analysis of factors we found to impact emotional expression including: scenario design $\mathbf{(\mathrm{p} < 0.
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Specifically, we propose a CycleGAN-based method to transfer feature vectors extracted from a large unlabeled speech corpus into synthetic features representing the given target emotions.
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In a secondary analysis, we explored whether formal training affected how tempo, articulation, dynamics, rhythm, and phrasing were employed to express the target emotions.
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It’s important, especially in our occidental society, to read and to interpret emotions returning to the human, reflecting on challenges of the relationship and re-discussing complexities and problems that interpersonal experiences contemplate.
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Ces scenarii riches en comportements, attitudes et emotions appropries en contexte amoureux et sexuel, font ainsi office de carte routiere dans la constitution des interactions et des relations intimes.
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This paper explores the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) to detect or interpret emotions from information provided in the form of text.
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In contrast to the photograph condition, where all target emotions were shown clearly, the scenario condition elicited the target emotions clearly only for happy and surprised expressions.
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We identified clips that successfully elicited the target emotion more so than nontarget emotions according to both coder ratings and child self-report.
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Expressive speech can be synthesized using acoustic feature modeling by mapping the spectral and fundamental frequency parameters between neutral speech and target emotions based on context.
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However, selecting appropriate reference audio (RA) signals to extract emotion embedding vectors to the specific types of target emotions remains problematic.
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En prenant appui sur un corpus de berceuses en langues kanak, cette contribution interdisciplinaire croisant des analyses ethnomusicologiques, linguistiques et anthropolinguistiques, a pour objectif de decrire l’articulation dynamique entre langage, chants et emotions.
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We carried out a first study to, first, assess the effectiveness of the selected metaphors in inducing target emotions, and second, identify relevant psycho-physiological markers of the emotional experience generated by the labyrinth.
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Among a myriad of target emotions, boredom, in particular, has been suggested to cause not only medical issues but also challenges in various facets of daily life.
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Studies featuring SUD interventions designed to specifically target emotions (i.
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Two weeks later, students completed two previously validated surveys about: a) their attitudes, and b) their discreet emotions (enjoyment, boredom, and anger) toward PE.
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Experiment results demonstrate that DRCVAE provides an effective way to infer target emotions and generate high-quality responses simultaneously.
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The ability to interpret emotions presents challenges in computer systems and robotics; therefore, we hope that our results can be used for the development of computational models of emotion for autonomous robot research in the field of communication.
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The current study tested whether teachers in Dutch primary schools differed in their interventions towards ethnic minority students compared to ethnic majority students for the same kind of misbehavior and whether this difference was related to their multicultural attitudes and their abilities to recognize and interpret emotions.
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We found that eye white and ear posture are strongly correlated, and that can be used as complementary measures to interpret emotions.
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Ensuite, elles racontent la situation choisie et expliquent leurs pensees et emotions sur le moment.
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Potential moderating factors and implications for the design and development of educational interventions that target emotions and emotion regulation with digital learning environments are discussed.
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