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Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for improving aphasia in adults with aphasia after stroke.

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Research on information retrieval model under scarcity theory and user cognition

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Sweet cognition: The differential effects of glucose consumption on attentional food bias in individuals of lean and obese status

The impact of information presentation style on belief change: An experimental investigation of a Socratic Method analogue

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Activité physique et cognition : un débat musclé, des perspectives plaisantes

The need to develop personalized interventions to improve cognition in schizophrenia

Knockdown of circulating C1 inhibitor induces neurovascular impairment, glial cell activation, neuroinflammation, and behavioral deficits

The oral health status of residents with different cognitive and dental-related functions in three North Carolina assisted living facilities.

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مستوى مهارات التفکیر ما وراء المعرفی لدى طلاب الدراسات الإسلامیة بجامعة الملک سعود Metacognition Thinking Skills Level For Islamic Studies Students At King Saud University

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41 Korsakoff’s syndrome: neurocognitive domains impairments and potential therapeutic interventions

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Interactive Multi-model Tracking of a Highly Maneuvering Target using MSPDAF with Least Squares Virtual Fusion

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Jean-Charles Lebahar: a construção de uma investigação singular e exigente para formar em conceção e compreendê-la

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Et Cognition