Introduction to Et Cognition
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Further study on the relationship between language/aphasia and cognition may be required, and improved cognitive assessments for patients with aphasia developed, prior to the use of tDCS to directly target cognition in aphasia.
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In essence, information retrieval is a cognitive process, which is the matching process between the reader's or user's cognition and the system's pre-set cognition.
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Our findings suggest that individuals of obese BMI status may exhibit "sweet cognition," as indexed by greater attentional food bias following glucose ingestion, relative to individuals of lean BMI status.
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Measures of belief, anxiety, and behaviour relating to the target cognition were analysed preand post-intervention.
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Malgre une litterature scientifique de plus en plus riche sur les effets de l'activite physique sur nos performances executives, le dialogue scientifique actuel est « muscle » face aux reponses en suspens sur les relations plus ou moins etablies entre activite physique et cognition, et les meilleures formes d'activite physique (seule ou combinee a de la stimulation cognitive) preventives du declin cognitif lie a l'âge.
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With a move to first-episode psychosis clinics and research studies focusing on children and adolescents with an ultra-high risk of schizophrenia, interventions that target cognition and motivation can be implemented much earlier in the course of the illness, before “rescuing” cognition is the only option.
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Mice showed normal locomotion function, yet cognition was impaired and depressive‐like behavior was evident.
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A research team member who was blind to the oral examination outcomes then used the Minimum Data Set Cognition Scale to assess participants' cognition and the dental activities test to evaluate oral self-care and other DRFs.
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The study tool in measuring met cognition level which was applied to a sample of the study consisted of (200) of Islamic Studies Students at King Saud University.
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Behavioural Interventions include environmental adaptations and cognitive remediation, which may be combined with pharmacological approaches such as donepezil or memantine to target cognition (Johnson and Fox, 2018).
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For target cognition and data fusion, the sensors are usually considered as synchronous sampling.
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Design, pertinence, cooperation et cognition » apresenta uma sintese de um longo trabalho de modelizacao visando ter em conta a integridade da atividade de concecao.
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