Egoistic Motivations in a Sentence
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Egoistic Motivations
The results confirm that JOCVs have the same altruistic and egoistic motivations that have been observed in the Western studies.
The results confirm that JOCVs have the same altruistic and egoistic motivations that have been observed in the Western studies.
Egoistic Motivations
Findings show (a) more frequent representation of egoistic than altruistic motivations, and (b) the profusion of egoistic motivations focused mostly on romantic (in adult-targeted music) but also platonic (in child-targeted music) relationships.
Findings show (a) more frequent representation of egoistic than altruistic motivations, and (b) the profusion of egoistic motivations focused mostly on romantic (in adult-targeted music) but also platonic (in child-targeted music) relationships.
Egoistic Motivations
The results confirm that JOCVs have the same altruistic and egoistic motivations that have been observed in the Western studies.
The results confirm that JOCVs have the same altruistic and egoistic motivations that have been observed in the Western studies.
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Egoistic Motivations