Introduction to Drinking Prevalence
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Drinking Prevalence sentence examples within Binge Drinking Prevalence
CDC analyzed data from the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to estimate past 30-day binge drinking prevalence, frequency, and intensity (number of drinks per occasion), overall and by select characteristics and state.
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Drinking Prevalence sentence examples within Overall Drinking Prevalence
Drinking Prevalence sentence examples within Intensity Drinking Prevalence
The degree to which binge and high-intensity drinking prevalence estimates may vary from fixed threshold frequency and continuous maximum drinks measures is unknown.
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Drinking Prevalence sentence examples within Heavy Drinking Prevalence
Conclusion Heavy drinking prevalence will continue to decrease through 2027 if current age-specific and birth cohort-specific patterns of starting, quitting and resuming heavy drinking continue.
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Negative binomial and Poisson regression models were utilized to evaluate the association between county-level ambient VC and county-level liver cancer incidence and mortality rates, respectively, adjusted for county-level heavy drinking prevalence, hepatitis mortality rates, median income, and race (percent Hispanic).
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Drinking Prevalence sentence examples within Risk Drinking Prevalence
Drinking Prevalence sentence examples within drinking prevalence ranged
Results: Overall, ever-drinking prevalence was 59.
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Overall binge drinking prevalence was 3.
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Conclusion Heavy drinking prevalence will continue to decrease through 2027 if current age-specific and birth cohort-specific patterns of starting, quitting and resuming heavy drinking continue.
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CDC analyzed data from the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to estimate past 30-day binge drinking prevalence, frequency, and intensity (number of drinks per occasion), overall and by select characteristics and state.
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The objective is to assess the consistency of time trends and age-sex disparities between binge-drinking prevalence and binge-drinking exposure indicators that combine such prevalence with the number of binge-drinking days among binge drinkers.
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05) and another three outcomes (ie, problem drinking prevalence, cannabis use days, and social skills) showing beneficial developments of borderline significance (P<.
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The degree to which binge and high-intensity drinking prevalence estimates may vary from fixed threshold frequency and continuous maximum drinks measures is unknown.
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Negative binomial and Poisson regression models were utilized to evaluate the association between county-level ambient VC and county-level liver cancer incidence and mortality rates, respectively, adjusted for county-level heavy drinking prevalence, hepatitis mortality rates, median income, and race (percent Hispanic).
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Drinking outcomes were high-risk drinking prevalence, alcohol reduction attempts and use of evidence-based or remote support.
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Our findings highlight the crucial role of socialization in local environments on the dynamics of students’ alcohol use as well as on the long-term prediction of the college drinking prevalence.
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Risky drinking prevalence was 20% (n = 57), 2% (n = 7) had scores suggestive of dependence (AUDIT ≥20, a subset of risky drinkers).
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This chapter provides an overview of GDS history and methods before presenting alcohol findings from 2015 to 2020, starting with drinking prevalence in respondents from different countries.
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Drinking outcomes were high-risk drinking prevalence, alcohol reduction attempts, and use of evidence-based or remote support.
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Between 2012-17, binge drinking prevalence ranged from 65.
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Alcohol measures included drinking prevalence, alcohol volume and prevalence of episodic heavy drinking (EHD).
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Binge drinking prevalence ranged from 3.
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Firstly, our main result regarding overall drinking prevalence show reductions ranging from -11.
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The age of peak binge drinking prevalence increased across cohorts (from age 20 in 1976 to 1985 to 22 in 1996 to 2004 for women, and from 21 in 1976 to 1985 to 23 in 1996 to 2004 for men).
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On the other hand, rising prevalence of comorbid conditions and behavioral risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and binge drinking prevalence has the strongest ESRD prevalence-increasing-effects in counties of the Pacific states.
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Adolescent binge drinking prevalence was 3.
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Our main result regarding overall drinking prevalence shows a reduction of -21.
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Past two-week high-intensity drinking prevalence was 17.
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