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The interactive effects of perceived peer drinking and personality profiles on adolescent drinking: a prospective cohort study

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Heavy Drinking and Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs among University Students: A 9-Year Follow-Up

Predictors of Adverse Alcohol Use Consequences Among Tertiary Students

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ELSA cohort 2014: association of age of first drink and progression from first drink to drunkenness on alcohol outcomes in Argentinean college freshmen

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Absence of compulsive drinking phenotype in adult male rats exposed to ethanol in a binge-like pattern during adolescence.

Predictors of Alcohol Use Disorders Among Young Adults: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies.

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Predicting cervical cancer screening among sexual minority women using Classification and Regression Tree analysis

Impulsigenic personality: Is urgency an example of the jangle fallacy?

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Consequences Of Alcohol Use, And Its Association With Psychological Distress, Sensitivity To Emotional Contagion And Age Of Onset Of Alcohol Use, In Uruguayan Youth With Or Without College Degree.

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Drinking Onset