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Young children police group members at personal cost.

CHILDREN POLICE GROUP MEMBERS 1 Young Children Police In-Group Members at Personal Cost

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Egoistic punishment outcompetes altruistic punishment in the spatial public goods game

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Moral labels increase cooperation and costly punishment in a Prisoner’s Dilemma game with punishment option

Social punishment for breaching restrictions during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Generosity in dictator game and social value orientation predicted the type of costly punishment in ultimatum game.

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Money Versus Social Rank: An Empirical Investigation of Unfairness in Social Anxiety

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Trust and punishment

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Evolution of deterrence with costly reputation information

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Do bystanders react to bribery?

Let´s call it altruism ! A psychological perspective and hierarchical framework of altruism and prosocial behavior

Who initiates punishment, who joins punishment? Disentangling types of third-party punishers by neural traits.

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A tale of two pandemics: evolutionary psychology, urbanism, and the biology of disease spread deepen sociopolitical divides in the U.S.

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Intrinsic functional connectivity of the frontoparietal network predicts inter-individual differences in the propensity for costly third-party punishment.

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Tax-based pure punishment and reward in the public goods game

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The demand for punishment to promote cooperation among like-minded people

Does Ethnic Diversity Always Undermine Pro-Social Behavior? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment

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An fMRI investigation of the intention-outcome interactions in second- and third-party punishment.

Promises and Punishment

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The public goods game with shared punishment cost in well-mixed and structured populations.

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Punishment under threat: The role of personality in costly punishment

Young children police group members at personal cost.

Pathways to Good Healthcare Services and Patient Satisfaction: An Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach

CHILDREN POLICE GROUP MEMBERS 1 Young Children Police In-Group Members at Personal Cost

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Why trust out-groups? The role of punishment under uncertainty

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Who punishes promiscuous women? Both women and men are prejudiced towards sexually-accessible women, but only women inflict costly punishment

Signaling when no one is watching: A reputation heuristics account of outrage and punishment in one-shot anonymous interactions.

Endogenous testosterone correlates with parochial altruism in relation to costly punishment in different social settings

Born for fairness: evidence of genetic contribution to a neural basis of fairness intuition

Costly Rewards and Punishments

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Pathways to Good Healthcare Services and Patient Satisfaction: An Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach

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