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Communities Beyond sentence examples within Microbial Communities Beyond

Diversity and composition of gut microbiome of cervical cancer patients: Do results of 16S rRNA sequencing and whole genome sequencing approaches align?

Ecological networks reveal contrasting patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in glacier-fed streams in Central Asia

Communities Beyond sentence examples within Industry Communities Beyond

Inaugural Editorial Innovations in an Era of Ubiquitous Audio, Speech, and Language Processing

Inaugural Editorial Innovations in an Era of Ubiquitous Audio, Speech, and Language Processing

Communities Beyond sentence examples within communities beyond taxonomic

Ecological networks reveal contrasting patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in glacier-fed streams in Central Asia

Ecological networks reveal contrasting patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in glacier-fed streams in Central Asia

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Communities Beyond sentence examples within communities beyond covid

Cities and communities beyond COVID-19

Cities and communities beyond COVID-19: how local leadership can change our future for the better

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Cities and communities beyond COVID-19

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Improved Prediction of Cognitive Outcomes via Globally Aligned Imaging Biomarker Enrichments Over Progressions

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Intercultural education and early childhood: strengthening knowledge based on Indigenous communities and territory

Cities and communities beyond COVID-19: how local leadership can change our future for the better

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Entrepreneurship Education

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Modeling investment intention in online P2P lending: an elaboration likelihood perspective

Bluey, Requestival, Play School and ME@Home: the ABC (Kids) of communication cultures during lockdown

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Beyond Disease Intervention: Exploring an Expanded Role for Partner Services in the MATRix-NC Demonstration Project.

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Recontextualising Aristotelian Perspectives on the Purpose of the Business Corporation

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Imaginative communities: admired cities, regions and countries by Robert Govers

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Diversity and composition of gut microbiome of cervical cancer patients: Do results of 16S rRNA sequencing and whole genome sequencing approaches align?

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Fishing cats in an anthropogenic landscape: A multi-method assessment of local population status and threats

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Examining Potentials of Indigenous Conflict Resolution Institutions in Creating Cohesive Community Beyond Resolving Conflicts: The Case of Arsi Oromo, Ethiopia

The history of an English-speaking Canadian distance university: the Athabasca University - An interview with Nancy K. Parker

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Synergy of culture-dependent molecular identification and whole-community metabarcode sequencing for characterizing the microbiota of arable crop residues

University-Community Partnership to Enhance Public Health Communication

Ideology of Slavic unity and philosophical problems of legal Slavistics in the modern world

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Late Pliocene vegetation turnover on the NE Tibetan Plateau (Central Asia) triggered by early Northern Hemisphere glaciation

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Ecological networks reveal contrasting patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in glacier-fed streams in Central Asia

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Inaugural Editorial Innovations in an Era of Ubiquitous Audio, Speech, and Language Processing

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Israel and Jewish communities worldwide: New approaches and directions

Farmer-Forager Interactions in the Neolithisation of Northwest Anatolia : Reassessing the Evidence

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Setting and smashing extreme temperature records over the coming century

Ecological networks reveal contrasting patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in glacier-fed streams in Central Asia

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Home buyouts and household recovery: neighborhood differences three years after Hurricane Sandy

The dividends of investing in computational software design: A case study

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Inaugural Editorial Innovations in an Era of Ubiquitous Audio, Speech, and Language Processing

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Assisted living facilities as sites of encounter: implications for older adults’ experiences of inclusion and exclusion

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Linking mesoscale landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity: gardens and tree cover significantly modify flower-visiting beetle communities

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Communities Beyond