Introduction to Co2 Supply
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Co2 Supply sentence examples within External Co2 Supply
The competitiveness of weedy rice was studied in an open top chamber (OTC) under a CO2 concentration of 500 ppm (Chamber A), OTC without external CO2 supply (Chamber B), and open condition along with two popular cultivated rice varieties Uma and Jyothi with both air and soil temperature inside the chamber to the tune of 40-430C and 35-400C respectively.
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Thereafter, the parametric optimization of aeration rate, O2-enrichment, external CO2 supply, temperature, and time for bioleaching of ground WPCBs was examined using Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans (strain RDB).
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Co2 Supply sentence examples within Enhanced Co2 Supply
However, the conventional cultivation schemes with limited CO2 supply and inefficient carbon mass transfer may restrict the carbon capture and growing ability of H.
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The real-time monitoring and modelling of growth dynamics and photosynthesis rates in different light and CO2 conditions have demonstrated that light availability can be improved by minimizing the path length of light through the culture, and the importance of on-demand CO2 supply.
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CO2 supply showed a positive effect on C.
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This research aimed to develop a Smart Algae Pond system equipped with three main functions of smart mixing, control of pH and CO2 supply, and the automatic harvesting system.
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The influence of the CO2 supply,.
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The CO2 supply for the EOR is from processing of the natural gas from overlying Antrim Shale formation.
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coli strain exhibited enhanced growth and the ability to assimilate external inorganic carbon with a gaseous CO2 supply.
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Experimental evidence that nonstomatal limitations to photosynthesis (NSLs) correlate with leaf sugar and/or leaf water status suggests the possibility that stomata adjust to maximise photosynthesis through a trade-off between leaf CO2 supply and NSLs, potentially involving source-sink interactions.
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Because stomatal limitation reduces A exactly from lowering CO2 availability to leaves, increasing CO2 supply with an elevated CO2 concentration may raise A of the salt-stressed lima bean leaves and alleviate the salt impact.
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The system using CO2 supply from exhaust gas from gasoline combustion had the best performance in 11 categories, reducing impacts in at least 56% compared to a base cultivation scenario.
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It consists of a source of CO2 represented by a biomass-based integrated gasification combined cycle with carbon capture, a CO2 network for a sustainable CO2 supply, and a CO2 sink characterised by agricultural greenhouses.
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Nonetheless, the sudden interruption of CO2 supply during microalgal cultivation leads to a severe reduction in biomass productivity.
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Here, we present an isoSTED microscope that utilizes water-immersion objective lenses and enables imaging of cellular structures with an isotropic resolution of better than 60 nm in living samples at room temperature and without CO2 supply or another pH control.
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It is suggested that, instead of inherently constrained by its kinetic mechanism, RuBisCO possesses the extensive kinetic plasticity necessary for adaptation to changes in photorespiration that occur in the homeostatic regulation of CO2 supply under a broad range of abiotic environmental conditions.
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In the 10th day of cultivation, CO2 supply was interrupted until the end of the cultivation (14th day), causing a stressful and imperative condition for microalgae cells to release the red pigment.
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A two-level full factorial design with three factors (organic carbon content, CO2 supply, and light intensity), followed by a PCA were utilized to explore relations among the variables.
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2), and films were sterilized and incubated in PBS at 37 °C with 5 vol% CO2 supply for 1 to 6 weeks.
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By comparing growth, biomass production, photosynthetic and respiratory performances in these three trophic modes, we show that addition of organic carbon to cultures (mixotrophy) relieves inorganic carbon limitation of photosynthesis thanks to increased CO2 supply through respiration.
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30 A, owing to the homogeneous flow of the CO2-dissolved electrolyte to achieve a sufficient CO2 supply and a good match between the PV and EC performances.
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The results achieved are in the form of an automated design of dynamic filtration technology on a seawater recirculation system for coral maintenance and cultivation, which consists of a Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS) using dynamic filters in the form of biological and chemical filters to optimize the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen with organic carbon and CO2 supply.
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The competitiveness of weedy rice was studied in an open top chamber (OTC) under a CO2 concentration of 500 ppm (Chamber A), OTC without external CO2 supply (Chamber B), and open condition along with two popular cultivated rice varieties Uma and Jyothi with both air and soil temperature inside the chamber to the tune of 40-430C and 35-400C respectively.
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This paper shows the influence of turbidity (in Nephelometric Turbidity Units - NTU), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and aeration (CO2 supply) on the productivity and growth rate and lipid content of microalgae (a mixed culture predominantly composed of Chlorella vulgaris), using anaerobically digested vinasse as a culture medium.
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The additional CO2 supply into the D.
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Applying the F414 to the Springold variety resulted in the formation of a pellicle on the surface of the leaves, which, together with the action of the thermo-hydric stress specific to the area, caused stomate closure, reduction of CO2 supply, photosynthesis values being considerably lower compared to the control variant.
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By doing so, theoretical potentials for CO2 consumption are determined per pathway, aggregated to a total theoretical CO2 demand, which is then compared to German CO2 emissions, as a proxy for potential CO2 supply.
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Different CO2 supply modes were tested for the two strains in 24 h batch experiments and results well compared with those obtained on lab‐scale bioreactors.
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Industry plans and concepts including large-scale production of hydrogen with CCS (H2-CCS) are used to estimate the potential magnitude and rate of CO2 supply for the Grangemouth and Teesside industrial sites.
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Thereafter, the parametric optimization of aeration rate, O2-enrichment, external CO2 supply, temperature, and time for bioleaching of ground WPCBs was examined using Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans (strain RDB).
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This study proposes a conceptually simplified model for the optimization of combined CO2 supply networks and capture and utilization technologies by the mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) approach.
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Given the ample supply of high-purity CO2 emitted from ethanol and ammonia plants, this study conducted technoeconomic analysis and environmental life cycle analysis of several systems: integrated methanol-ethanol coproduction, integrated methanol-ammonia coproduction, and stand-alone methanol production systems, using CO2 feedstock from ethanol plants, ammonia plants, and general market CO2 supply.
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The adaptation of plants to harsh, high-elevation conditions ensure optimal CO2 supply during the relatively short periods of favourable weather conditions in the alpine belt (Kammer et al.
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This response was not affected either by CO2 supply or photorespiration.
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The CO2 used can be captured from different sources including power plants and industrial activities via several existing carbon capture and separation technologies that ensure a pure and safe CO2 supply.
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Our results demonstrate that genome downsizing among the angiosperms was critical to restructuring the entire pathway of CO2 diffusion into and through the leaf, maintaining high rates of CO2 supply to the leaf mesophyll despite declining atmospheric CO2 levels during the Cretaceous.
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The study has found that no more than 20 % of the total carbon dioxide content should be supplied to the combustion chamber; to stabilize the flame and reduce its length, it is necessary to install blades to swirl the fuel and oxidizer mixed with CO2 at the inlet of the combustion chamber; CO2 supply for cooling should be carried out not less than 130 mm away from the burner mouth.
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Experimental combined theoretical investigations reveal that the “individual” ionic pairs in the outer PIL layer enrich local CO2 concentration, thereby promoting the CO2 supply.
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CO2 is supplied through the sublimation of dry ice stored inside a thermos to create a sustained 5% CO2 supply.
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With CO2 supply to the atmosphere the surface temperature rises further, the depth below which decarbonation occurs decreases, causing the release of even more CO2.
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The magmatic events and major faults are proposed to be the key controlling factors of CO2 distribution, which provided CO2 supply and migration pathways for both magma and degassed CO2.
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Peroxidase and ascorbate activity were higher due to the eCO2 supply to acclimate the basil under the DS condition.
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Each compartment was equipped with standard actuators (heating, ventilation, screening, lighting, fogging, CO2 supply, water and nutrient supply).
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Besides their higher investment costs, PBRs are gaining more importance due to the possibilities they offer for controlling the production parameters like, light, pH, Nutrients, CO2 supply, etc.
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Efficient cultivation concepts that enable optimal light and CO2 supply are necessary for the realization of high cell densities (HCDs), and subsequently for process implementation.
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The current study focuses on valorization of organic fraction of household kitchen waste pretreated by enzymatic hydrolysis to produce succinic acid with process CO2 supply from biogas.
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The results of digestate pretreatment and dilution, inoculum: digestate ratio and CO2 supply system were reported.
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Its optimal growth occurred at 3% CO2 supply.
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Although precautions should be taken for CO2 supply, high concentration CO2 caused a significant drop in pH and an increase of total dissolved solids.
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, continuous CO2 supply) or lactic acidosis (i.
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3 expression in ammonium-fertilized plants at 400 ppm CO2 might reflect the need to overcome limitations to the CO2 supply to chloroplasts due to restrictions in stomatal conductance.
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For instance, the decreasing stomatal conductance (gs) of plants in dry conditions leads both high δD and δC values through either high evapo-transpiration or lack of CO2 supply, or both during photosynthesis (e.
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6% on dry weight basis, respectively at CO2 supply of 10%.
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We identify one main pathway for CO2 supply to the surface in the CVH, located near a major fault zone.
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Enhanced CO2 supply capacity accounted for the improvement in Pmax in lower leaves.
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CO2 supply allowed algal growth optimization, maintaining a high productivity with both nitrogen sources, slightly higher with nitrate (0.
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While low water potentials induced by open stomata may initially be associated with greater CO2 supply and a higher water flux from the rhizosphere to the canopy, they also inhibit cell growth, photosynthesis and ultimately water supply.
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However, these savings are reduced by the cost of CO2 supply when CO2 has to be captured from dilute sour.
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In the future, without CO2 emission or natural gas consumption, the sector will lose its internal supply of CO2 and a larger external CO2 supply will be needed.
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Natural soil CO2 emissions constitute a substantial portion of the carbon emitted in the atmosphere, particularly in volcano-tectonic areas where deep CO2 supply is also present because of the Earth's degassing.
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In general, DME was not producing any harmful gas during its combustion period, therefore it can be used as an alternative to conventional fuel such as diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for both heating and CO2 supply in winter season.
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The result obtained from optimization of the microalgal growth under various CO2 concentration, light intensity, their interaction effects, and the squared CO2 concentration suitable for microalgal lipid production under suitable light and CO2 supply.
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To better investigate the exploitation of algal mixotrophy in bioremediation, this species was used in axenic respirometric tests to ascertain the effect of high light and non limiting CO2 supply on the overall regulation of mixotrophy, resulting in an inhibition of the exploitation of organic carbon.
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In this study, an indigenously developed automated system for Spirulina cultivation was used at pilot scale, where CO2 supply was aimed to provide carbon source and to control culture pH.
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Photorespiration decreased 31% under eCO2 supplying less reductant, and in situ N O 3 - reductase activity was concurrently reduced (-34%) in eCO2 , especially in new leaves during summer periods.
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The effects of specific CO2 supply, mixing tools, and reactor loadings on process performance were assessed by the leaching behaviour of the treated BA.
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Manipulation of CO2 supply can also be used to improve both lipids and carbohydrates accumulation.
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Under optimized 5% v/v CO2 supply, the concentrations of starch and carbohydrate accumulated by C.
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For example, closed photobioreactors with CO2 supply and light can provide higher photosynthetic efficiency and lipid accumulation, coupled with polyunsaturated fatty acid production.
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Effect of enhanced CO2 supply was significantly beneficial for all parameters.
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Outdoor cultivation of microalgae for biofuel production is not yet economically feasible, in part due to costs associated with CO2 supply.
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We then attempted to enhance the growth rate of the cultures by modifying temperature, photoperiod and medium composition (N:P ratio, P concentration, CO2 supply, NH4NO3 supply and sucrose supply).
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Nitrogen and CO2 supply interactively regulate whole plant nitrogen partitioning and root anatomical and morphological development in tomato plants.
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