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Childbearing Intentions sentence examples within Term Childbearing Intentions

Didn’t Plan One but got One: Unintended and sooner-than-intended Parents in the East and the West of Europe

Realisation of Fertility Intentions in Austria and Hungary: Are Capitals Different?

Letter to the editor: how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed outpatient diagnosis in the andrological setting

Didn’t Plan One but got One: Unintended and sooner-than-intended Parents in the East and the West of Europe

Perceived consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and childbearing intentions in Poland

Factors Influencing Childbearing Intentions among Female Employees of Department M in the Public Sector in China under the “Two-Child” Policy

Assessing Short-Term Fertility Intentions and Their Realisation Using the Generations and Gender Survey: Pitfalls and Challenges

The Role of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Childbearing Intentions in Iranian Women: A Path Analysis

Childbearing intentions among Egyptian men and women: The role of gender-equitable attitudes and women’s empowerment

Realisation of Fertility Intentions in Austria and Hungary: Are Capitals Different?

Childbearing intentions in a low fertility context: the case of Romania

Running out of time? Understanding the consequences of the biological clock for the dynamics of fertility intentions and union formation

Fertility Intentions and Their Realization in Couples: How the Division of Household Chores Matters

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Climate Shocks Constrain Human Fertility in Indonesia.

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The injection or the injection? Restricted contraceptive choices among women living with HIV

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Childbearing Intentions