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Change Initiative sentence examples within soil moisture product

A comparison of two methods for estimating surface soil moisture based on the triangle model using optical/thermal infrared remote sensing over the source area of the Yellow River

Contributions of climate change and groundwaterextraction to soil moisture trends

Change Initiative sentence examples within satellite soil moisture

Evaluation of the Performance of SM2RAIN-Derived Rainfall Products over Brazil

Using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probes in Validating Satellite Soil Moisture Products and Land Surface Models

Change Initiative sentence examples within coastal sea level

Altimetry-based sea level trends along the coasts of Western Africa

Coastal Sea Level Trends from a Joint Use of Satellite Radar Altimetry, GPS and Tide Gauges: Case Study of the Northern Adriatic Sea

Change Initiative sentence examples within derived soil moisture

An Evaluation of the EnKF vs. EnOI and the Assimilation of SMAP, SMOS and ESA CCI Soil Moisture Data over the Contiguous US

Improving Soil Moisture Estimates Over the Contiguous US Using Satellite Retrievals and Ensemble Based Data Assimilation Techniques

Change Initiative sentence examples within microwave remote sensing

Comprehensive evaluation of satellite-based and reanalysis soil moisture products using in situ observations over China

Comprehensive evaluation of satellite-based and reanalysis soil moisture products using in situ observations over China

Change Initiative sentence examples within moisture data set

Impact of Soil Moisture Data Characteristics on the Sensitivity to Crop Yields Under Drought and Excess Moisture Conditions

Change Initiative sentence examples within sea level product

Quality assessment of a satellite altimetry data product DT18 in the Norwegian Sea: A comparison to tide gauge records and drifters data

Change Initiative sentence examples within safety health well

Assessment of organizational readiness for participatory occupational safety, health and well-being programs.

Change Initiative sentence examples within Climate Change Initiative

Global Deforestation Revisited: The Role of Political and Institutional Factors

Incidence Angle Diversity on L-Band Microwave Radiometry and Its Impact on Consistent Soil Moisture Retrievals

Change Initiative sentence examples within Organizational Change Initiative

Stakeholder Management Strategies: The Special Case of Universities

Dynamic Forces of Amplifying Employee Change Supportive Behavior

Change Initiative sentence examples within Social Change Initiative

Competency Characteristics of the Innovative Talent Leader: A Multiple Case Study

Socially Engaged Islam: Applying Social Psychological Principles to Social Justice, Faith-Based Activism and Altruism in Muslim Communities

Change Initiative sentence examples within Culture Change Initiative

Tackling student drinking within the drinking subculture of a university sports competition: a culture change approach

Moving stories: exploring the LIFE session storytelling method as a way of enhancing innovative, generative outcomes in practice

Change Initiative sentence examples within Behavimy Change Initiative

Encouraging pro-environmental behaviours: A review of methods and approaches

Full-bodied taste : On the embodied origins of product perception and sensory evaluation

Change Initiative sentence examples within Practice Change Initiative

What gets measured gets noticed. Tracking surgical site infection post caesarean section through community surveillance: A post intervention study protocol.


Change Initiative sentence examples within Behavior Change Initiative

Understanding Participants’ Perceptions of Access to and Satisfaction With Chronic Disease Prevention Programs

Use of Social Marketing to Improve Science Teaching in Maharashtra, India: 2014–18

Change Initiative sentence examples within Successful Change Initiative

Communicating for change: a systems thinking approach

The influence of change-oriented leadership on work performance and job satisfaction in hospitals - the mediating roles of learning demands and job involvement.

Change Initiative sentence examples within Scale Change Initiative

Telling the story of complex change: an Impact Framework for the real world

Delivering the digital backbone for integrated care in Ontario, Canada

Change Initiative sentence examples within Cultural Change Initiative

Examination of Organizational Culture Variables in Sports Organizations (Perspective from Turkey)

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of students attending interprofessional Schwartz Rounds in a University context

Change Initiative sentence examples within Organisational Change Initiative

‘…These Workshops are like Sunday´s Church Visit – but then, it’s Monday Again…’—using Understanding to Bridge Ambitious Talk and Action

Ontological Solution for IT-Organisational Change Problems: A Change and Constancy Management Approach

Change Initiative sentence examples within Community Change Initiative

Creating Spaces for Young People to Collaborate to Create Community Change: Ohio’s Youth-Led Initiative

Strategic compatibility, collaboration and collective impact for community change

Change Initiative sentence examples within Behavioural Change Initiative

Traditional eye medicine use in microbial keratitis in Uganda: a mixed methods study.

Traditional eye medicine use in microbial keratitis in Uganda: a mixed methods study

Change Initiative sentence examples within Environmental Change Initiative

Building-Level Wastewater Monitoring for COVID-19 Using Tampon Swabs and RT-LAMP for Rapid SARS-Cov-2 RNA Detection

Examining Barriers and Facilitators to Delivering SNAP-Ed Direct Nutrition Education in Rural Communities

Change Initiative sentence examples within Transformational Change Initiative

Inducing Long-Term, Positive Behavior Change

The Framing of Urban Sustainability Transformations

Change Initiative sentence examples within Multiple Change Initiative

Challenges of public sector change management: The case of medicine provision in public hospitals in Punjab

Towards Sustainable Organizations: Supervisor Support, Commitment to Change and the Mediating Role of Organizational Identification

Change Initiative sentence examples within Particular Change Initiative

Must We Change? the Dark Side of Change and Change Resistance

Power and coordination in the multinational company : a post-heterarchical perspective

Change Initiative sentence examples within Implementing Change Initiative

Institutional Reform Success Indicators in Higher Education

Assessing the leanness of a supply chain using multi-grade fuzzy logic: a health-care case study

Change Initiative sentence examples within Policy Change Initiative

Building a Culture of Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Alberta, Canada Through the Promotion of Healthy Youth Relationships

Health promoter, advocate, legitimiser — the many roles of WHO guidelines: a qualitative study

Change Initiative sentence examples within Wide Change Initiative

Flying Less for Work and Leisure? Co-Designing a City-Wide Change Initiative in Geneva

The Value of Working with Students as Partners

Change Initiative sentence examples within Led Change Initiative

Building safety cultures at the frontline: An emancipatory Practice Development approach for strengthening nursing surveillance on an acute care ward.

Micropolitics of Middle Managers in Influencing Centre-led Change Initiative: Case Study of a Malaysian based MNC

Change Initiative sentence examples within change initiative land

Improvement of the ESA CCI Land cover maps for water balance analysis in tropical regions: A case study in the Muda River Basin, Malaysia

Global and regional impacts of land cover changes on isoprene emissions derived from spaceborne data and the MEGAN model

Change Initiative sentence examples within change initiative soil

Additional Value of Using Satellite-Based Soil Moisture and Two Sources of Groundwater Data for Hydrological Model Calibration

Evaluation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for Landslide Hazard Assessment

Change Initiative sentence examples within change initiative project

Global chlorophyll a concentrations of phytoplankton functional types with detailed uncertainty assessment using multi-sensor ocean color and sea surface temperature products

Using bottom trawls to monitor subsurface water clarity in marine ecosystems

Change Initiative sentence examples within change initiative ocean

Оценка первичной продукции северо-западной части Японского моря на основе судовых и спутниковых наблюдений

Estimation of Primary Production in the Northwestern Part of the Sea of Japan by Ship- and Satellite-Based Observations

Change Initiative sentence examples within change initiative program

Reconstruction of ESA CCI satellite-derived soil moisture using an artificial neural network technology

Flash droughts characterization over China: From a perspective of the rapid intensification rate.

Change Initiative sentence examples within change initiative fire

Theoretical uncertainties for global satellite-derived burned area estimates

Theoretical uncertainties for global satellite-derived burned area estimates

Fostering Collective Efficacy?: What School Leaders Should Know

Development Work in Healthcare: What Supportive and Deterrent Factors Do Employees Working in a Hospital Department Experience in an Improved Work Environment?

More Change Initiative sentence examples

Challenging social norms to recraft practices: A Living Lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries

The community transformation map: A maturity tool for planning change in community health improvement for equity and well-being.

More Change Initiative sentence examples

Does higher health literacy lead to higher trust in public hospitals?

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Stories of change in nutrition from Africa and Asia: an introduction to a special series in Food Security

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The Application of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in Malaysian Schools

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Exploring Local Initiatives to Improve the Work Environment: A Qualitative Survey in Swedish Home Care Practice

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Counselling preparedness and responsiveness of industrial psychologists in the face of COVID-19

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A taxonomy of digital leadership in the construction industry

The Power and Politics of Reforming Leadership Practices

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Leading and Influencing Culture Change.

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Stakeholder pressure to obtain world-class status among Indonesian universities

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Does higher health literacy lead to higher trust in public hospitals?

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Barriers for Lean Implementation in Apparel Industry

Improving Quality in Primary Care: A Model for Change

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A new index for obstetrics safety and quality of care: integrating cesarean delivery rates with maternal and neonatal outcomes.

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You as a Change Leader

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Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches

Organizational Change Skills: An Empirical Cross-National Study

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Theory of Change in Digital Behavior Change Interventions (Dbcis) And Community-Based Change Initiatives – A General Framework

Realization of Agile Methods in Established Processes: Challenges and Barriers

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Differences in subcortico-cortical interactions identified from connectome and microcircuit models in autism

Accelerating the Appropriate Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Protocol for a Multistepped Approach.

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Implementation Systems and Processes

Uncovering missing links in collegial learning conversations

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Leadership behaviours that foster organisational identification during change

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A Qualitative Exploration of the Microfoundations of Institutional Theory: Reflections from Higher Education Context

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Changing Organizational Culture

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Change Management Process in a Mining Company: Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

Change Initiative