Introduction to Career Plans
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Career Plans sentence examples within Future Career Plans
It also identified differences between the two groups: challenges to their identity as a musician, the extent of their anxiety about finances, the extent of their emotional distress, attitudes toward practicing and engaging in collaborative music making, and confusion over future career plans.
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This affects residency training and the experiences of residents, which in turn can influence their future career plans.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Affect Career Plans
These are typically dysfunctional interpersonal relationships, feelings of failure, and disrupted management activities and processes that affect career plans and personal life.
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Based on a survey in secondary schools in Germany, we analyze career guidance activities and how these affect career plans.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Term Career Plans
Summary of Input Parameters and Estimated 95% CIs Burnout Prevalence Burnout prevalence was estimated from a 2014 national survey of 6880 physicians that assessed level of burnout and short-term career plans.
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Describe the career and work environment of pediatric program directors (PDs) and associated factors, including salary disparities and long-term career plans.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Initial Career Plans
Most felt that the PDOP influenced their initial career plans and made them more competitive for their initial position following graduation.
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse job effort and career satisfaction in expatriates working for foreign organisations and investigates how these concepts depend on expatriates’ initial career plans and motivations for working abroad.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Regarding Career Plans
Second, we analyse a survey of Turkish parliamentarians serving in the early 2000s regarding career plans.
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Methods: In 2017, women pre-health students at four public North Carolina universities were invited to participate in an online survey regarding career plans, decision factors, and perceptions of gender disparities in MD, PhD and MD-PhD pathways.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Different Career Plans
Finally, I discuss various possible explanations for the migrants\' different career plans, including expected labour market returns to education, expected discrimination, the intention to leave Germany, overconfidence, or information deficits.
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Finally, various possible explanations for the migrants’ different career plans are discussed, such as expected labour market returns to education, expected discrimination, the intention to leave Germany, overconfidence, or information deficits.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Make Career Plans
The Committee on Studies of Career Education for Female Physicians proposed five learning objectives for all physicians to attain an uninterrupted career: professional awareness of the missions of being a physician, ability to make career plans, flexibility to embrace diverse values of the profession, appropriate attitudes toward supports, and recognition of social gender differences.
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It is important that individuals make career plans in the fields appropriate to their personal awareness and prefer professions in these areas.
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Career Plans sentence examples within Preparing Career Plans
Conducting mentorship programs for students in preparing career plans, determining and selecting careers, enhancing the role of academic supervisors, and establishing a student career development center are all options for improving student careers.
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The board of pesantren shows high enthusiasm because students' problems can be overcome, one of which is through providing guidance and counseling services, especially in preparing career plans.
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Drawing on a national survey of school leaders which examined the impact of the pandemic on their stress levels and career plans, the paper makes for sobering reading.
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The results showed that the graduates who did their internships in sectors in line with their career plans continued their career in the same sectors or similar sectors to the sectors in which they did their internships.
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To understand the relationships between burnout, job satisfaction, and career plans among physician assistants in the United States.
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7% of the respondents reported that their career plans have been affected by Trump’s antiscience policies, 54.
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This study aims to determine whether there is a difference between the career plans of the students majoring tourism programs before and after the corona virus and disease pandemic.
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It also identified differences between the two groups: challenges to their identity as a musician, the extent of their anxiety about finances, the extent of their emotional distress, attitudes toward practicing and engaging in collaborative music making, and confusion over future career plans.
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Conducting mentorship programs for students in preparing career plans, determining and selecting careers, enhancing the role of academic supervisors, and establishing a student career development center are all options for improving student careers.
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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the career plans of high school graduates in 2020 is examined in article.
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The educational area is a social sector where the COVID-19 pandemic impact involves making many exponential changes In many countries, the transition from face-to-face education to on-line education implies a revolution in the hierarchy of job domains/jobs offer Young people's career plans may be different under the impact of internal and external factors generated by this new context Theoretical framework revealed that under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the career decision-making process becomes more difficult to assume by taking into consideration the job nature, the sense of belonging, and the balance between passions and risks involved By referring to these aspects a question arises: Will the pandemic also create a crisis in the career-making decision process for young people? The research group consisted of 108 undergraduates' from 12 grades, attending high schools from cities under 10,000 inhabitants Hypothesis: There is a tendency to focus on training areas dominated by the practical aspects than the theoretical one as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic We used a Romanian adapted version of the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Questionnaire used in counseling and carrier orientation services for identification of professional interests of the students The obtained results show that it is important for high school students to receive quality services for carrier guidance and psycho-educational support to prevent over-introversion and over-critical attitude about others and themselves, self-isolation correlated with a high level of sensing and sensitiveness.
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From their career plans, interests, and values, we formed three profiles (the vocation seekers, the altruists, and the work lovers) to characterize how they constructed their careers.
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The major aim of this study is to evaluate the 11 grade Basic Mathematics (BM) Curriculum implemented at a Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (Tourism and Hotel Management) through Stake’s Responsive Evaluation Model, and to depict to what extent it responds to the needs and career plans of its students.
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This affects residency training and the experiences of residents, which in turn can influence their future career plans.
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The problem of career maturity is a problem for the future of adolescents so that it must be prepared as well as possible, such as in terms of planning and making career decisionsKeywords: Learning Motivation, Career Plans.
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The study objectives were to explore the importance of GH opportunities in residency selection among fourth-year medical students, examine the relationship between interest in GH and career plans, and describe students’ perspectives on prior GH experiences.
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It can be said that entrepreneurship education is effective in realizing career plans that will shape the lives of individuals.
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Methods We performed a cross-sectional survey of a national sample of fourth-year Med-Peds residents in May–July 2019 covering intended career, helpfulness of ‘life design’ strategies used to inform career decision and confidence with intended career plans.
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In 1853, after his father’s death, John returned to his career plans and began studies in the London Hospital Medical School [2, 3].
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Research implications Academics should build into their career plans research projects which will bring them into direct contact with advanced practitioners of marketing and sales automation, probably by case study rather than survey work.
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Whatever definition is used, mid-career teachers are a heterogenous group, with varying needs, career plans and commitment to the profession.
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However, the reality is that there are still vocational high school graduate students who are still unemployed after graduating, this is because students do not prepare career plans beforehand.
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Additionally, female students expect family demands to limit career plans, while male students are less influenced by family concerns [4].
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The results showed that career tree-based information services can improve students' understanding of career plans.
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1, I-IX) aimed to capture the effect on the provision of surgical services, safety of patients and surgeons, professional and personal wellbeing, career plans, training, research and development; two questions assessed testing strategies and three questions (Fig.
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Interviews with 40 partners from 21 mostly White different-sex couples reveal that partners plan simultaneous career launches; sequence men’s career launches before women’s; or independently pursue career plans.
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This study aimed to explore the role technology plays in the future career plans of medical students.
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By specifying (1) the content of cultural discourses about motherhood in academic workplaces and (2) the processes by which these ideas circulate, produce disadvantage, and inform young, childless scientists and engineers’ career plans, our findings offer novel insight into mechanisms contributing to inequality in academic careers.
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During the years that we have been working in LUMA Centre Saimaa (an organization to inspire and motivate children and youth in mathematics, science and technology), we have noticed that upper secondary school students often fail to see the connection between mathematics studied at that level and their future career plans.
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The Committee on Studies of Career Education for Female Physicians proposed five learning objectives for all physicians to attain an uninterrupted career: professional awareness of the missions of being a physician, ability to make career plans, flexibility to embrace diverse values of the profession, appropriate attitudes toward supports, and recognition of social gender differences.
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This paper provides evidence of the nature of inequities related to race–ethnicity and gender in graduate school experiences and career plans of PhD students in one science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) discipline, chemistry.
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This study aimed to explore the understanding and experience of NMUMs regarding their role; to explore what barriers and facilitators NMUMs identified to achieving the goals of their clinical area; and to explore NMUMs’ career plans.
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CSPS leans towards questions about college students’ perceptions about career planning, rather than intuitions about career decision-making; it also inquires about how participants conceptualize about their career plans to be correct, rather than the more extreme idea about how their intuitions are correct: we developed this scale to capture the latter construct.
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STEM retention efforts need to go beyond “pipeline leaks” to focus on those who remain in STEM but change career plans.
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This article aimed at unearthing the opinions of teacher candidates of English on Covid-19 and how it has affected their future career plans, current educational endeavours and also investigated how and in what way their English proficiency could be related to the phenomenon.
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The study’s purposive sampling provides for both empirical and conceptual insights into the occupational differences and career plans of freelance workers.
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Clinical and academic radiographers need to appreciate the influence they have on students future career plans.
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We explored the intentions of medical professionals and students to do their residency training abroad and their career plans afterwards.
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Background Health professions students use social media to communicate with other students and health professionals, discuss career plans or coursework, and share the results of research projects or new information.
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Objective: The aims of this study were to investigate whether dental and dental hygiene students’ career plans postgraduation were affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and to examine wellness and readiness for clinical practice among students who reported a change in career plans.
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The board of pesantren shows high enthusiasm because students' problems can be overcome, one of which is through providing guidance and counseling services, especially in preparing career plans.
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, generalized anxiety, depression, burnout), and career plans (i.
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Regarding future career plans 61% responded that they would be considering either the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) route, or applying for future training or both.
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These are typically dysfunctional interpersonal relationships, feelings of failure, and disrupted management activities and processes that affect career plans and personal life.
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In these cases, unpleasant reviewing experiences sometimes lead to these researchers not submitting papers for publication, or even reconsidering their career plans and leaving academia altogether.
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So that students will not experience difficulties in making decisions with career plans that will be chosen for their future.
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The TY program is based at a midsized, urban, academic health center and features a tailorable curriculum emphasizing preparation for residents' specialty career plans.
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We asked all respondents what their potential career plans were for the next 12 to 24 months.
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Also, hampering students' formal education and future career plans significantly contribute to mental stress.
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During the initial wave of COVID-19, residents faced altered educational opportunities, which elicited positive and negative emotions with concern regarding surgical skill development and impact on future career plans.
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Finally, I discuss various possible explanations for the migrants\' different career plans, including expected labour market returns to education, expected discrimination, the intention to leave Germany, overconfidence, or information deficits.
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The authors assessed students’ STEM education and career plans, identity, efficacy, and sense of school of belonging before and after the program.
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Drawing on theories of self-enhancement and self-verification, we investigated a model wherein (1) a perceived match of individual and organizational career plans mediates the relationship between newcomers’ perceived organizational support (POS) and their STWT success, and (2) protean career orientations moderate the anticipated positive relationship between POS and perceived career match, thus conditioning the mediation.
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The project analyzed evaluation survey responses from the Gear Up for Ag Health and Safety™ program, including reported agricultural tasks, safety concerns, frequency of discussing health and safety concerns with healthcare providers, safety behaviors, and future career plans.
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Symptoms of low self-efficacy experienced by students are 1) difficulty to make career decisions, 2) not confident in their career plans, 3) worry that they are not absorbed in the world of work.
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The main finding was that several of the participants found the course surprisingly useful to their research and to their career plans.
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, generalized anxiety, depression, burnout), and career plans (i.
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