Introduction to Career Decision
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Career Decision sentence examples within making self efficacy
The mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy (CDSE) between positive career shocks and career optimism, and the moderating role of consideration of future consequences – immediate (CFC-I) between CDSE and career optimism is checked.
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514 students from different region participate in this research and it is found that there are significant region differences in family function, proactive personality and career decision-making self- efficacy; there is also a significant gender difference in family function.
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Career Decision sentence examples within career exploration behavior
This study examined the role of career exploration behavior (CEB) as a mediator between career-related parental support (CRPS) and career decision-making self-efficacy (CDSE).
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This study examined the mediating role of career decision self-efficacy in the relationship between parenting styles and career exploration behavior.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Making Career Decision
The problem of career maturity is a problem for the future of adolescents so that it must be prepared as well as possible, such as in terms of planning and making career decisionsKeywords: Learning Motivation, Career Plans.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Make Career Decision
Psychological tools that focus on capturing information about students’ maturity in relation to their ability to make career decisions can help them choose a major that’s suitable for their career.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Influence Career Decision
Career Decision sentence examples within Future Career Decision
Academic-related stressors are common for college students, such as future career decisions or pressures to succeed academically.
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However, graduate underemployment continues to be a severe and rising issue in many countries due to graduates’ lack of readiness to make a future career decision.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Informed Career Decision
Career adaptability, defined as the ability to respond flexibly and make informed career decisions in work and throughout career transitions, is becoming increasingly important as the nature of work changes rapidly.
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, political efficacy, critical awareness, and participatory behaviors) which informed career decisions.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Student Career Decision
Career selection consulting software model as an alternative decision making where consultation that includes career understanding, career understanding, career planning, alternative career choices in the form of a tool to trace students' interests and talents towards student career decisions using expert system based certainty factor method.
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The following four questions were posed to the participants about choosing general practice as a career: had they heard negative comments? Had they heard positive comments? Do they think comments influence student career decisions or is it a problem? Could they suggest any solutions to the issue? Results were analysed using thematic analysis.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Influencing Career Decision
The study examined factors influencing career decisions using a sample of high school learners in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.
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To describe the career choices of newly practicing ophthalmologists and explore factors influencing career decisions and satisfaction.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Dengan Career Decision
Vocational exploration commitment diukur dengan Commitment to Career Choice Scale (CCCS), untuk dimensivocational, efikasidiri dalam keputusan karierdiukur dengan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF),serta untuk persepsi anak terhadap perilaku orang tua terkait karier diukur dengan Parental Career-Related Behaviors (PCB).
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Komitmen terhadap pilihan karier diukur dengan Commitment to Career Choice Scale (CCCS), efikasi diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier dengan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF), serta persepsi anak terhadap perilaku orang tua terkait karier dengan Parental Career-Related Behaviors (PCB).
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Career Decision sentence examples within Graduation Career Decision
Purpose This study aims to understand the motivations of academic voyage and post-graduation career decisions of occupational therapy international students in Australia.
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Understanding the beliefs and motivations that influence students' post-graduation career decisions is important in framing their decision-making process.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Dysfunctional Career Decision
Although dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs represent an important assessment and intervention area in career counseling, the empirical foundation and the general mechanism of the dysfunctionality of dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs remain not fully clear.
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Dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs can impede individuals' ability to make career decisions.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Taking Career Decision
One of the services in guidance and counseling to help learners to achieve growth, development, exploring and taking career decisions rationally and realistically based on information, self understanding and planning to achieve success in his life, with career guidance services.
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: Background: Training for research skills and practicing of research early in career has increased to resolve the health care problems and help physicians in taking career decisions.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Determine Career Decision
The purpose of the study was to determine career decision making self efficacy by assessing career aspirations and attainment in National examinations.
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By knowing the results of MI test and test of SDS expected student can determine career decision as plan early from career development.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Different Career Decision
Career Decision sentence examples within Medical Career Decision
Career Decision sentence examples within Early Career Decision
Career Decision sentence examples within Predict Career Decision
Three multiple regression analyses were conducted to predict career decision self-efficacy (CDSE), e.
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We adapted the social cognitive model of career self-management (Lent & Brown, 2013) to provide a theoretical structure for these sources of indecision, focusing on how they interrelate and jointly predict career decision progress.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Affect Career Decision
The findings add to the existing literature by showing how each meaning of career uncertainty affects career decision making, criteria to gauge career success and meaning, and negotiating transitions.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Dan Career Decision
Career Decision sentence examples within Guide Career Decision
Career Decision sentence examples within Improve Career Decision
Medical students were paired with IM resident mentors to improve career decision-making through student-oriented discussion topics.
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling to improve career decision making self-efficacy of high school students.
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Career Decision sentence examples within Effective Career Decision
The Extracted Employability concept enables academics to surface the innate employability value of what they already teach across all curriculums, disciplines and programmes, enabling students to prepare better for work and make more effective career decisions.
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Effective career decision-making outcomes may depend on the type of motivation underlying career development.
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Career Decision sentence examples within career decision making
Career Decision sentence examples within career decision self
Career Decision sentence examples within career decision scale
For discriminant and concurrent validity, significant relationships were found between the OES-S and subscales of the Career Decision Scale.
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Pengukuran kebimbangan karier menggunakan alat ukur Career Decision Scale (CDS) dan pengukuran efikasi diridalam membuat keputusan karier menggunakan Career Decision Making Self-efficacy Scale (CDMSES).
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Career Decision sentence examples within career decision regret
Career Decision sentence examples within career decision ambiguity
This study aimed to validate career decision ambiguity tolerance scale-Korean form applicable to a Korean sample.
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In the current work, we investigated the relationship between career decision ambiguity tolerance (CDAT) and career decision-making difficulties among French-speaking university students.
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Career Decision sentence examples within career decision statu
The results showed that productive coping style was positively associated with a sense of coping efficacy, career decision status, and career choice satisfaction 1 year following graduation, whereas using a nonproductive coping style was negatively related to those outcomes and positively associated with career decisional distress.
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We examined the differential roles that career decision-making self-efficacy and the Big Five traits of neuroticism, extroversion, and conscientiousness may play in relation to career decision status and decisional difficulty.
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Career Decision sentence examples within career decision difficulty
Career Decision sentence examples within career decision level
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine effects of individual career plan program (ICPP) on career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision level and career resilience in nursing students.