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Career Academics sentence examples within Early Career Academics

Mentorship of early career academics in Tanzania: issues and implications for the next generation of academics

For the Sustainable Development of Universities: Exploring the External Factors Impacting Returned Early Career Academic’s Research Performance in China

The Post-tenure Apex: Unrewarding, Unproductive, Unhappy. Is Continuing Learning a Remedy for Mid-Career Misery?

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Mentorship of early career academics in Tanzania: issues and implications for the next generation of academics

For the Sustainable Development of Universities: Exploring the External Factors Impacting Returned Early Career Academic’s Research Performance in China

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How might we best support the effective and meaningful employment of autistic people and improve outcomes?

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The power of peer networking for improving STEM faculty job applications: a successful pilot program

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Surviving a re-entry: second-career academics in business schools in Malaysia

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Fast Professors, Research Funding, and the Figured Worlds of Mid-Career Ontario Academics

Forging paths to interdisciplinary research for early career academics

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Emerging Neoliberal Academic Identities: Looking Beyond Homo economicus

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Mentor and peer support for early career researchers sharing research with academia and beyond

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Navigating Tricky Terrain: Early Career Academics Charting a Research Trajectory in the Neoliberal University

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Letter from the editors

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Spaces of Longing and Belonging-territoriality, ideology and creative identity in literature and film

Pandemic Panic on the Tenure Track: Why Early Career Scholars Need Transformative Support After COVID-19

A Collaborative Approach to Manuscript Revisions and Responses to Reviewer Comments

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Vietnamese early career academics’ identity work: balancing tensions between East and West

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La profesión académica en Chile: perspectivas desde una encuesta internacional.

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In our own words: Pacific Early Career Academics (PECA) and Pacific knowledges in higher education pedagogical praxis

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Conversations as a source of professional learning: exploring the dynamics of camaraderie and common ground amongst university teachers

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Room32: an academic oasis for our informal conversations to enhance teaching and learning

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Supplemental Material for Women—Particularly Underrepresented Minority Women—and Early-Career Academics Feel Like Impostors in Fields That Value Brilliance

Understanding and predicting future research impact at different career stages—A social network perspective

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Move or perish? Sticky mobilities in the Swiss academic context

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The Powerpuff Girls: making it as early career academics in physical education

‘Academic periodization’: using approaches from elite sport to benefit early career academics

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Institucionalización social de la investigación en Licenciaturas en Nutrición de universidades argentinas

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Collaborative Coteaching (CCT): Practitioner learning through shared praxis

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The art of academic negotiation.

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The Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prizes 2018

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Training graduate teaching assistants: What can the discipline offer?

Welcome to volume 6 of Future Science OA

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Moral barriers between work/life balance policy and practice in academia

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Transitions theory and liminality in information behaviour research

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Should we use video technology for giving feedback?

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The Scientific Research Article Publication Process as a Macro-Genre: Outlining the Parameters of Successful and Unsuccessful Communication Between the Writers and the Gatekeeping Readers

Academic Arrhythmia: Disruption, Dissonance, and Conflict in the Early-Career Rhythms of CMS Academics

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Moving forward from the mid-career: Path options and strategies for mid-career academics

Reminiscences and Reflections on my Retirement: Ten Takeaways that Worked for Me

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The story of Samantha: the teaching performances and inauthenticities of an early career human geography lecturer

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Developing the next generation of university teachers

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Theorizing and theory building in the safety sciences: A reflective inquiry

Synthetic biology in China: Review and prospects

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Postdoctoral scholars in a faculty of education: Navigating liminal spaces and marginal identities

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Improving engagement in an early career academic setting: can existing models guide early career academic support strategies?

Gendered Career Decisions in the Academy: Job Refusal and Job Departure Intentions among Academic Dual-Career Couples

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On being a non-white academic in physical education and sport pedagogy

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5 Predator publishing or fake science? A case series of 75 unsolicited emails received from ‘predator journals’

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A longitudinal study of the impact of reflective coursework writing on teacher development courses: a ‘legacy effect’ of iterative writing tasks

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Recollage as a tool for self-care: Reflecting multimodally on first five years in the academy through Schwab’s lines of flight

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Memoirs and manifestos for early career researchers in gender and sexuality education research

New managerialism in the academy: Gender bias and precarity

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Career Academics