Introduction to Career Academics
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Career Academics sentence examples within Early Career Academics
We conducted a study on the perceived value and impact of continuing learning for midto late-career academics.
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Mentoring has been pointed out as one of the strategies for early career academics (ECAs) preparation and support for smooth transition into academia.
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Early career academics are the key agents for the sustainable development of higher education institutions.
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This study is two very early-career academics on the autism spectrum with limited resources available to us.
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Participation in programs like this one could provide early career academics like postdocs with a diverse and supportive community of peer mentors during the difficult search for a faculty position.
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Recently, the re-entry of business executives into academia as second-career academics has become increasingly common.
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This article explores ways in which research funding expectations permeate the “figured worlds” of 16 mid-career academics in education, social work, sociology, and geography in 7 universities in Ontario, Canada.
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Interdisciplinary research is a promising approach to generate innovative solutions to real-world problems and create social value, yet it is a risky choice for early career academics (ECAs).
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The article begins from the perspective of early-career academics who occupy the majority of fixed-term, teaching-only contracts in Higher Education, arguing that such casualisation of academic labour entrenches the role of the academic as Homo economicus.
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There is a growing expectation that doctoral candidates and early career academics publish research outputs such as journal articles and conference papers, and that they share their findings with key stakeholders beyond academia.
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Using analytic techniques such as highlighting critical incidents or epiphanies, we structured coherent narratives to illuminate the complexity and uncertainty of the lives of early career academics.
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Daniel Abell and Karen Becker investigate employer attractiveness for early career academics in Australia and identify five key factors influencing choice that may assist universities in differentiating their message to potential recruits.
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The authors range from young career academics to reputable professionals.
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In one faculty survey, 40% of respondents reported considering leaving their roles due to the impact of COVID-19, with early career academics being the most likely to consider leaving academia, at 48% (Flaherty, 2020).
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While there are benefits to collaborative research, navigating group dynamics can also bring challenges, particularly for doctoral students and early career academics who are new to the research process.
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Through a narrative analysis of 33 interviews with Vietnamese early career academics, we explore whether a Confucianist/collectivist academic context in Vietnam has a key influence on academics’ id.
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Key concepts: APIKS, academic profession, academic work, early career academics, teaching ̧ research, outreach.
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ABSTRACT Limited attention has been paid to the experiences of Pacific Early Career Academics (PECA) in utilising their culture-specific systems of knowledge in their pedagogical practice.
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In contexts that offer inconsistent support for teaching, what influences conversations? This study investigated mid-career academics’ conversations at an Australian research-intensive university.
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ABSTRACT Early career academics (ECAs) face multiple academic challenges as many assume their duties with little or no experience of the work employed.
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Consistent with our hypothesis, the more that success in a field was perceived to require brilliance, the more that women—especially women from racial/ethnic groups that are traditionally underrepresented in academia—and early-career academics felt like impostors.
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Specifically, for early‐stage and mid‐career academics, we find that connections with prominent researchers associate with greater impact.
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I draw on a qualitative analysis of 65 semi-structured interviews conducted for two EU research projects on early-career academics from various backgrounds.
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ABSTRACT Early career academics (ECAs) working in neoliberal universities have been recognized as a vulnerable group who experience anxiety, uncertainty, exhaustion, stress, frustration, insomnia, shame and guilt.
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These pressures may be enhanced in the experiences of early career academics as staff try to balance a variety of new responsibilities, including teaching, research and administrative roles.
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This precarity of employment does, however, have many knock-on effects for young academics, for example obtaining a mortgage or bank loan is almost impossible, many early career academics live hand to mouth, work more than one job and spend part of every year looking for work.
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The units of analysis are the spaces the scientific practices of the Nutrition Career academics of Argentine public universities.
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It depicts the learning experiences of two early career academics, who were the coresearchers and coauthors of this article.
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Some of us early-career academics—all members of underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups—started to talk about salaries.
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Accordingly, in making the award of one of the Prizes, preference may be given to articles written by early-career academics.
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We explore this issue and raise the possibility that in addition to university departments, learned societies and academic associations within the discipline may have a role to play in providing pedagogical training for GTAs and early career academics.
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My personal highlight was an article entitled “‘Academic periodization’: using approaches from elite sport to benefit early career academics” by J Gonzalez and K Deighton [1].
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This paper contributes to the research of academic time and career planning by exploring how early career academics engage with work/life balance policies, utilising a critical reading of Richard Sennett’s work on the corrosion of character in late capitalist economies.
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Early career academics were followed for a five- to seven-month period and data were collected using interviews and “check-ins”.
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ABSTRACT This study explored the use of video screencasts to supplement written feedback with a small cohort of early-career academics (n = 29) undertaking a postgraduate programme aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching in higher education.
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This research project focuses on the environment of scientific research, where there is often little explicit guidance given to early-career academics in language skills surrounding their work.
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We draw on a study of 32 Critical Management Studies (CMS) early-career academics (ECAs) in 14 countries, which we analyze as an extreme case of what it is like to be an ECA working in business schools today.
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This workshop will highlight career pathways for mid-career academics in four areas: research leadership, education/curriculum leadership, academic leadership, and professional society leadership.
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I hope that PhD students and assistant professors looking ahead to such a career along with some mid-career academics will find my experiences and the lessons I discuss useful and relevant.
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As the voice of a new lecturer in her first year of teaching, this paper makes a useful contribution to the scholarship on early career academics and teaching development.
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The programme is designed to support public institutions’ recruitment, development and retention of early career academics (DHET, 2016).
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Early career academics seeking to build and advance in their disciplines become recognised by their broad publishing of research papers.
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By the time to review 70 years’ development of science and technology in China, this article is to commemorate the pioneers and inspire the early career academics in the field, meanwhile discuss experiences and lessons, and identify future priorities and opportunities.
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Similar to other early career academics, our reflections expose key concerns surrounding clarity of expectations, workload and work/life balance, and issues related to community and collegiality.
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ABSTRACT Early career academics (ECAs) represent the future of the academic workforce, but competition and career uncertainty is resulting in disengagement and burnout.
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:We investigated the extent to which dual-career academics' jobrelated decisions considered the career of their partner with close attention to the relevance of gender in the process.
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ABSTRACT Conversation regarding the challenges and pressures that Early Career Academics (ECAs) face in the current context of the neoliberal university sector has begun to grow generally, and in the field of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) in particular.
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These same early career academics are thought to be particularly vulnerable to the pressure to ‘publish or be damned.
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Studies into the efficacy of teacher development courses for early career academics point to graduates conceiving of their teaching in increasingly complex and student-focussed ways.
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Implications highlight how recollage can be an effective tool for the self-care of early career academics.
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It is envisioned that this chapter will inspire different ways of being, becoming and relating to gender and sexuality education research for early career academics.
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In the era of global competition, academic institutions are increasingly being managed as efficient organizations where early career academics are the most vulnerable group in the academic hierarchy.
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