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Carbon Supported Ru sentence examples within carbon supported ru catalyst

Upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oil to drop-in fuel over Ru catalysts

Effect of Cu addition to carbon-supported Ru catalysts on hydrogenation of alginic acid into sugar alcohols

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Influence of acid pretreatment on the hydrodeoxygenation performance of carbon supported RuMo bimetallic catalysts on sorbitol conversion

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Upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oil to drop-in fuel over Ru catalysts

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Effect of Cu addition to carbon-supported Ru catalysts on hydrogenation of alginic acid into sugar alcohols

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Preparation of carbon-supported Pt–Ru core-shell nanoparticles using carbonized polydopamine and ozone for a CO tolerant electrocatalyst

Extending the chemical product tree: a novel value chain for the production of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidones from biogenic acids

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Carbon Supported Ru