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Bukit Timah sentence examples within bukit timah nature
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) is one of Singapore’s most important conservation areas because it is likely to be the last refuge for many species that belong to Singapore’s original forest biodiversity.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) is one of Singapore’s most important conservation areas because it is likely to be the last refuge for many species that belong to Singapore’s original forest biodiversity.
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We introduce the Comprehensive Biodiversity Survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, for which planning began in 2014, field work was conducted largely in 2015–2016, and results analysed and written up in 2017–2018.
We introduce the Comprehensive Biodiversity Survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, for which planning began in 2014, field work was conducted largely in 2015–2016, and results analysed and written up in 2017–2018.
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Bukit Timah sentence examples within bukit timah granite
In the present study, a surface wave based technique, microtremor array measurement (MAM) and microtremor measurement (MM) is used to find the depth of bedrock at Bukit Timah granite formation in Singapore.
In the present study, a surface wave based technique, microtremor array measurement (MAM) and microtremor measurement (MM) is used to find the depth of bedrock at Bukit Timah granite formation in Singapore.
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The proposed methodology is explained through an example case-study from Bukit Timah Granite rock-mass of Singapore.
The proposed methodology is explained through an example case-study from Bukit Timah Granite rock-mass of Singapore.
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Bukit Timah sentence examples within bukit timah centre
The subduction-related magmatic complex represented in Singapore by the granitic to gabbroic plutons of the Bukit Timah Centre likely acted as a backstop to thrusting at this time.
The subduction-related magmatic complex represented in Singapore by the granitic to gabbroic plutons of the Bukit Timah Centre likely acted as a backstop to thrusting at this time.
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Five of the plutons were emplaced sequentially during the period 285–230 Ma, and these have been grouped within a single parent unit (Bukit Timah Centre) in a new lithodemic framework for Singapore.
Five of the plutons were emplaced sequentially during the period 285–230 Ma, and these have been grouped within a single parent unit (Bukit Timah Centre) in a new lithodemic framework for Singapore.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) is one of Singapore’s most important conservation areas because it is likely to be the last refuge for many species that belong to Singapore’s original forest biodiversity.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) is one of Singapore’s most important conservation areas because it is likely to be the last refuge for many species that belong to Singapore’s original forest biodiversity.
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Biological interest in Bukit Timah, Singapore, long pre-dated its declaration as a forest reserve (1887) and nature reserve (1951).
Biological interest in Bukit Timah, Singapore, long pre-dated its declaration as a forest reserve (1887) and nature reserve (1951).
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
We introduce the Comprehensive Biodiversity Survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, for which planning began in 2014, field work was conducted largely in 2015–2016, and results analysed and written up in 2017–2018.
We introduce the Comprehensive Biodiversity Survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, for which planning began in 2014, field work was conducted largely in 2015–2016, and results analysed and written up in 2017–2018.
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The city-state of Singapore sits on the granite bedrock called Bukit Timah formation.
The city-state of Singapore sits on the granite bedrock called Bukit Timah formation.
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The subduction-related magmatic complex represented in Singapore by the granitic to gabbroic plutons of the Bukit Timah Centre likely acted as a backstop to thrusting at this time.
The subduction-related magmatic complex represented in Singapore by the granitic to gabbroic plutons of the Bukit Timah Centre likely acted as a backstop to thrusting at this time.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
In the present study, a surface wave based technique, microtremor array measurement (MAM) and microtremor measurement (MM) is used to find the depth of bedrock at Bukit Timah granite formation in Singapore.
In the present study, a surface wave based technique, microtremor array measurement (MAM) and microtremor measurement (MM) is used to find the depth of bedrock at Bukit Timah granite formation in Singapore.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
A survey of stick insects in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was conducted as part of a broader biodiversity survey which covered the period from 1 April 2014 to 30 April 2018.
A survey of stick insects in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was conducted as part of a broader biodiversity survey which covered the period from 1 April 2014 to 30 April 2018.
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Five of the plutons were emplaced sequentially during the period 285–230 Ma, and these have been grouped within a single parent unit (Bukit Timah Centre) in a new lithodemic framework for Singapore.
Five of the plutons were emplaced sequentially during the period 285–230 Ma, and these have been grouped within a single parent unit (Bukit Timah Centre) in a new lithodemic framework for Singapore.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), being virtually the only primary rain forest in Singapore, is of very high environmental importance.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), being virtually the only primary rain forest in Singapore, is of very high environmental importance.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Stream surveys for decapod crustacean fauna were conducted between February 2015 and April 2016 at nine sites in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR).
Stream surveys for decapod crustacean fauna were conducted between February 2015 and April 2016 at nine sites in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR).
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Two of the historically better studied beetle groups, Cerambycidae and Buprestidae, are highlighted with a brief discussion of the methods for studying them and their ecology, and a systematic attempt to survey these two beetle groups in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, is described.
Two of the historically better studied beetle groups, Cerambycidae and Buprestidae, are highlighted with a brief discussion of the methods for studying them and their ecology, and a systematic attempt to survey these two beetle groups in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, is described.
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The moth fauna of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, was studied using light trapping.
The moth fauna of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore, was studied using light trapping.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
The proposed methodology is explained through an example case-study from Bukit Timah Granite rock-mass of Singapore.
The proposed methodology is explained through an example case-study from Bukit Timah Granite rock-mass of Singapore.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
A survey of butterflies has been undertaken within the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), Singapore, and in the adjacent well-vegetated areas that form a buffer to BTNR, namely Hindhede Park, Singapore Quarry and the Dairy Farm Nature Park.
A survey of butterflies has been undertaken within the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), Singapore, and in the adjacent well-vegetated areas that form a buffer to BTNR, namely Hindhede Park, Singapore Quarry and the Dairy Farm Nature Park.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
This paper presents the effect of hysteresis in SWCC on the stability of unsaturated residual soil slopes from Bukit Timah Granite in Singapore.
This paper presents the effect of hysteresis in SWCC on the stability of unsaturated residual soil slopes from Bukit Timah Granite in Singapore.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Extensive site investigations were conducted prior to the construction of a Mass Rapid Transit project in Singapore that was predominantly in the Bukit Timah Granite (BTG) formation residual soil.
Extensive site investigations were conducted prior to the construction of a Mass Rapid Transit project in Singapore that was predominantly in the Bukit Timah Granite (BTG) formation residual soil.
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We conduct both the laboratory experiments and discrete element simulations to investigate the deformation, failure pattern, and strain energy evolution of the Bukit Timah granite.
We conduct both the laboratory experiments and discrete element simulations to investigate the deformation, failure pattern, and strain energy evolution of the Bukit Timah granite.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
SDN 005 Bukit Timah kota Dumai masih memilih dan mencatat secara merekomendasi calon penerimaan BSM, dan aplikasi pengolah angka (spreadsheet) yang belum berbasis database sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya redudansi data.
SDN 005 Bukit Timah kota Dumai masih memilih dan mencatat secara merekomendasi calon penerimaan BSM, dan aplikasi pengolah angka (spreadsheet) yang belum berbasis database sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya redudansi data.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Spatial and temporal surveys were conducted to better understand the physicochemical characteristics of the streams in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR).
Spatial and temporal surveys were conducted to better understand the physicochemical characteristics of the streams in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR).
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) holds the largest remnant patch of primary rainforest in Singapore and its hill streams supports many native and threatened freshwater fauna.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) holds the largest remnant patch of primary rainforest in Singapore and its hill streams supports many native and threatened freshwater fauna.
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The first case of analysis assumed Singapore as one region whereas the second case of analysis assumed Singapore as two regions – (i) Jurong Formation (JF); and (ii) Bukit Timah Granite and Old Alluvium (BTG & OA).
The first case of analysis assumed Singapore as one region whereas the second case of analysis assumed Singapore as two regions – (i) Jurong Formation (JF); and (ii) Bukit Timah Granite and Old Alluvium (BTG & OA).
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
The plant diversity of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) is relatively well studied due to concerted effort over several decades, particularly as part of the worldwide system of ecological plots set up by the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), now called the Forest Global Earth Observatory.
The plant diversity of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) is relatively well studied due to concerted effort over several decades, particularly as part of the worldwide system of ecological plots set up by the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), now called the Forest Global Earth Observatory.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
As a unique coastal hill dipterocarp forest remnant in Singapore, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is a key refuge for flowering plants, but little information has been available about its bee pollinators and their floral associations.
As a unique coastal hill dipterocarp forest remnant in Singapore, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is a key refuge for flowering plants, but little information has been available about its bee pollinators and their floral associations.
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More Bukit Timah sentence examples
Twenty-two papers arising from the Comprehensive Biodiversity Survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), Singapore (2014–2018) have provided a thorough update and expansion of information on many groups of flora and fauna.
Twenty-two papers arising from the Comprehensive Biodiversity Survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR), Singapore (2014–2018) have provided a thorough update and expansion of information on many groups of flora and fauna.
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