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Bay Watershed sentence examples within Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu is an economically important sportfish and within the Chesapeake Bay watershed has experienced a high prevalence of external lesions, infectious disease, mortality events, reproductive endocrine disruption and population declines.
Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu is an economically important sportfish and within the Chesapeake Bay watershed has experienced a high prevalence of external lesions, infectious disease, mortality events, reproductive endocrine disruption and population declines.
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The Chesapeake Bay watershed has been the focus of pioneering studies of the role of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition as a nutrient source and driver of estuarine trophic status.
The Chesapeake Bay watershed has been the focus of pioneering studies of the role of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition as a nutrient source and driver of estuarine trophic status.
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Bay Watershed sentence examples within Saginaw Bay Watershed
As the maximum phosphorus loads in Saginaw Bay lie just below this inflection point, shifts in the Saginaw Bay watershed toward greater agriculture uses and less wetlands may substantially increase the risk of more intense cyanobacterial blooms than presently occur.
As the maximum phosphorus loads in Saginaw Bay lie just below this inflection point, shifts in the Saginaw Bay watershed toward greater agriculture uses and less wetlands may substantially increase the risk of more intense cyanobacterial blooms than presently occur.
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We collected data from 351 anglers regarding their trust in nine organizations whose efforts are relevant to dioxin contamination in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay Watershed, risk perceptions, and self-reports of risky behavior (i.
We collected data from 351 anglers regarding their trust in nine organizations whose efforts are relevant to dioxin contamination in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay Watershed, risk perceptions, and self-reports of risky behavior (i.
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Bay Watershed sentence examples within Bristol Bay Watershed
Therefore we investigated the acute toxicity of Cu to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in low-hardness water (∼ 30 mg/L as CaCO3 ) formulated in the laboratory and collected from the Bristol Bay watershed.
Therefore we investigated the acute toxicity of Cu to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in low-hardness water (∼ 30 mg/L as CaCO3 ) formulated in the laboratory and collected from the Bristol Bay watershed.
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Natural resource extraction in large undeveloped areas—such as the Bristol Bay watershed in Southwest Alaska—often necessitates construction of roads that contribute substantial environmental risks.
Natural resource extraction in large undeveloped areas—such as the Bristol Bay watershed in Southwest Alaska—often necessitates construction of roads that contribute substantial environmental risks.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu is an economically important sportfish and within the Chesapeake Bay watershed has experienced a high prevalence of external lesions, infectious disease, mortality events, reproductive endocrine disruption and population declines.
Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu is an economically important sportfish and within the Chesapeake Bay watershed has experienced a high prevalence of external lesions, infectious disease, mortality events, reproductive endocrine disruption and population declines.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
The Chesapeake Bay watershed has been the focus of pioneering studies of the role of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition as a nutrient source and driver of estuarine trophic status.
The Chesapeake Bay watershed has been the focus of pioneering studies of the role of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition as a nutrient source and driver of estuarine trophic status.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
This study assessed the impacts of climate change on terrestrial hydrological components and Crop Water Use (CWU) over the Chesapeake Bay watershed using a combination of Global Climate Models (GCMs) and a land surface model.
This study assessed the impacts of climate change on terrestrial hydrological components and Crop Water Use (CWU) over the Chesapeake Bay watershed using a combination of Global Climate Models (GCMs) and a land surface model.
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We use this model to delineate all ground mounted solar arrays in North Carolina and the Chesapeake Bay watershed to illustrate how these methods can be used to quickly and easily produce accurate maps of solar infrastructure.
We use this model to delineate all ground mounted solar arrays in North Carolina and the Chesapeake Bay watershed to illustrate how these methods can be used to quickly and easily produce accurate maps of solar infrastructure.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Here, we analyze wetland dynamics associated with urbanization, sea level rise, and hurricane impacts in the Mobile Bay watershed, AL since 1984.
Here, we analyze wetland dynamics associated with urbanization, sea level rise, and hurricane impacts in the Mobile Bay watershed, AL since 1984.
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Soils were collected and their colors were measured from four forested sites across Northern Virginia within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed using both the MSCC and NCS.
Soils were collected and their colors were measured from four forested sites across Northern Virginia within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed using both the MSCC and NCS.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
As the maximum phosphorus loads in Saginaw Bay lie just below this inflection point, shifts in the Saginaw Bay watershed toward greater agriculture uses and less wetlands may substantially increase the risk of more intense cyanobacterial blooms than presently occur.
As the maximum phosphorus loads in Saginaw Bay lie just below this inflection point, shifts in the Saginaw Bay watershed toward greater agriculture uses and less wetlands may substantially increase the risk of more intense cyanobacterial blooms than presently occur.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Hampton Roads Sanitation District is pursuing the Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow, an innovative, multi-benefit initiative designed to address both nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and regional groundwater overdraft in the Coastal Plain.
Hampton Roads Sanitation District is pursuing the Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow, an innovative, multi-benefit initiative designed to address both nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and regional groundwater overdraft in the Coastal Plain.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
In this study, we used SWAT-VSA to examine the effects of climate change and increasing atmospheric CO2 (CO2) on the water balance of Spring Creek watershed, a mixed land-use karst basin in the Upper Chesapeake Bay watershed.
In this study, we used SWAT-VSA to examine the effects of climate change and increasing atmospheric CO2 (CO2) on the water balance of Spring Creek watershed, a mixed land-use karst basin in the Upper Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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In the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, located on the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA, intersex has been observed in several sub-watersheds where previous studies have identified specific landscape sources of EDCs in tandem with observed fish health effects.
In the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, located on the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA, intersex has been observed in several sub-watersheds where previous studies have identified specific landscape sources of EDCs in tandem with observed fish health effects.
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2% of the total watershed land surface) located in the James River and Chesapeake Bay watersheds.
2% of the total watershed land surface) located in the James River and Chesapeake Bay watersheds.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
In this study, the net anthropogenic nitrogen input (NANI), including the deposition of atmospheric N, the application of N fertiliser, the fixation of biological N, and the net N inputs from food and feed, into the Zhanjiang Bay watershed from 1978 to 2018 were estimated using statistical data, and the driving forces were analysed using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) factor decomposition approach.
In this study, the net anthropogenic nitrogen input (NANI), including the deposition of atmospheric N, the application of N fertiliser, the fixation of biological N, and the net N inputs from food and feed, into the Zhanjiang Bay watershed from 1978 to 2018 were estimated using statistical data, and the driving forces were analysed using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) factor decomposition approach.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Gilgel Abay watershed is stretched between latitude 10.
Gilgel Abay watershed is stretched between latitude 10.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Environmental Protection Agency has established aggressive nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment reduction goals for states and regulated dischargers within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Environmental Protection Agency has established aggressive nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment reduction goals for states and regulated dischargers within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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The Chesapeake Bay watershed is severely affected by crop agriculture and poultry feeding operations.
The Chesapeake Bay watershed is severely affected by crop agriculture and poultry feeding operations.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Using thermal mapping technologies to locate groundwater discharges, shallow groundwater and surface water from three rivers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA were analyzed for phytoestrogens, pesticides and their degradates, steroid hormones, sterols and bisphenol A.
Using thermal mapping technologies to locate groundwater discharges, shallow groundwater and surface water from three rivers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA were analyzed for phytoestrogens, pesticides and their degradates, steroid hormones, sterols and bisphenol A.
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It was discovered that water quality status of the Chilanchil Abay watershed ranges from 15.
It was discovered that water quality status of the Chilanchil Abay watershed ranges from 15.
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In the Chesapeake Bay watershed, animal operations must reduce farm-level nutrient and sediment losses to meet federally mandated load reduction goals.
In the Chesapeake Bay watershed, animal operations must reduce farm-level nutrient and sediment losses to meet federally mandated load reduction goals.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Here, we investigated the long-term effects of geomorphic stream restoration on riparian and in-stream N transport and transformation in an urban stream in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Here, we investigated the long-term effects of geomorphic stream restoration on riparian and in-stream N transport and transformation in an urban stream in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
iinumai) into the northeastern United States prompted investigation into potential competitive interactions between it and two common submersed species in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Vallisneria americana and Hydrilla verticillata.
iinumai) into the northeastern United States prompted investigation into potential competitive interactions between it and two common submersed species in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Vallisneria americana and Hydrilla verticillata.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Given that some agricultural sources may persist further downriver even as urbanization increases, isotope source tracking can be used to prioritize more effective source reduction strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
Given that some agricultural sources may persist further downriver even as urbanization increases, isotope source tracking can be used to prioritize more effective source reduction strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River Basin, Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA, have been exhibiting clinical signs of disease and reproductive endocrine disruption (e.
Smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River Basin, Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA, have been exhibiting clinical signs of disease and reproductive endocrine disruption (e.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
In this study, we assessed the impacts of uncertainties arising from hydrologic model parameters and climate change data on streamflow and catchment-level non-floodplain wetland (NFW) water storage predictions for the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
In this study, we assessed the impacts of uncertainties arising from hydrologic model parameters and climate change data on streamflow and catchment-level non-floodplain wetland (NFW) water storage predictions for the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Therefore, this study investigates the spatial and temporal variation of groundwater quality within the Chilanchil Abay watershed during dry and wet season due to the waste disposal site of the Bahir Dar city.
Therefore, this study investigates the spatial and temporal variation of groundwater quality within the Chilanchil Abay watershed during dry and wet season due to the waste disposal site of the Bahir Dar city.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Here, we introduce a framework using Lorenz Inequality and the corresponding Gini Coefficient to quantify the temporal inequality of nutrient and sediment transport across the Chesapeake Bay watershed and couple the inequality analysis with C-Q analysis to disentangle the relative role of hydrologic versus biogeochemical controls on nutrient cycling and transport and categorize nutrient transport across a response gradient.
Here, we introduce a framework using Lorenz Inequality and the corresponding Gini Coefficient to quantify the temporal inequality of nutrient and sediment transport across the Chesapeake Bay watershed and couple the inequality analysis with C-Q analysis to disentangle the relative role of hydrologic versus biogeochemical controls on nutrient cycling and transport and categorize nutrient transport across a response gradient.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Within the Susquehanna River (Chesapeake Bay watershed), over 1 million eels were released above four major downstream barriers in the past decade.
Within the Susquehanna River (Chesapeake Bay watershed), over 1 million eels were released above four major downstream barriers in the past decade.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Here we present a proof-of-concept application of a decision-support tool to help design climate-smart management actions for the watershed and coral reef management plan for Guánica Bay watershed in southwest Puerto Rico.
Here we present a proof-of-concept application of a decision-support tool to help design climate-smart management actions for the watershed and coral reef management plan for Guánica Bay watershed in southwest Puerto Rico.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
To overcome this limitation, we paired modeled estimates of hydrologic alteration to a benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity data for 4522 stream reaches across the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
To overcome this limitation, we paired modeled estimates of hydrologic alteration to a benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity data for 4522 stream reaches across the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
We compared body morphology of two freshwater sculpin taxa that inhabit distinct environmental conditions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed of eastern North America: Potomac sculpin (C.
We compared body morphology of two freshwater sculpin taxa that inhabit distinct environmental conditions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed of eastern North America: Potomac sculpin (C.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
The information gained from this study will help prioritize ecologically relevant contaminant mixtures for monitoring and contributes to understanding the benefits of BMPs on improving surface water quality to better manage living resources in agricultural landscapes inside and outside the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
The information gained from this study will help prioritize ecologically relevant contaminant mixtures for monitoring and contributes to understanding the benefits of BMPs on improving surface water quality to better manage living resources in agricultural landscapes inside and outside the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Changes in land cover throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, accompanied by variability in climate patterns, can impact runoff and water quality.
Changes in land cover throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, accompanied by variability in climate patterns, can impact runoff and water quality.
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This work was aimed to (1) synthesize and compare WRTDS estimation bias for constituent concentrations and fluxes for rivers and streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (including headwater sites) and (2) identify controlling factors from five broad categories (watershed size, sampling practice, concentration and discharge conditions, land use, and geology).
This work was aimed to (1) synthesize and compare WRTDS estimation bias for constituent concentrations and fluxes for rivers and streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (including headwater sites) and (2) identify controlling factors from five broad categories (watershed size, sampling practice, concentration and discharge conditions, land use, and geology).
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This web-based tool is part of a quarterly series that draws from a variety of scientific resources to inform Chesapeake Bay Watershed policymakers, practitioners, residents, and community leaders on historical and projected future climate trends.
This web-based tool is part of a quarterly series that draws from a variety of scientific resources to inform Chesapeake Bay Watershed policymakers, practitioners, residents, and community leaders on historical and projected future climate trends.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Some previous erosion and sedimentation studies in the Balikpapan Bay watershed state that high concentration of suspended sediment is found in the estuaries of the main rivers that flow into Balikpapan Bay.
Some previous erosion and sedimentation studies in the Balikpapan Bay watershed state that high concentration of suspended sediment is found in the estuaries of the main rivers that flow into Balikpapan Bay.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
A total of 602 water samples were collected over a one-year period at 29 sites along the Trask, Kilchis, and Tillamook rivers and tributaries in the Tillamook Bay Watershed (OR, USA).
A total of 602 water samples were collected over a one-year period at 29 sites along the Trask, Kilchis, and Tillamook rivers and tributaries in the Tillamook Bay Watershed (OR, USA).
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
Estimates of BMP implementation throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed were provided for each year from 1985 through 2014 by the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP).
Estimates of BMP implementation throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed were provided for each year from 1985 through 2014 by the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP).
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These results demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of CECs in the Chesapeake Bay, confirm UV-filter bioaccumulation in oysters, and suggest the need for improved CEC removal during municipal wastewater treatment and agricultural waste management within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
These results demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of CECs in the Chesapeake Bay, confirm UV-filter bioaccumulation in oysters, and suggest the need for improved CEC removal during municipal wastewater treatment and agricultural waste management within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Thus, we investigated control of denitrification by these largescale characteristics in eighteen nontidal floodplains of the Chesapeake Bay watershed (i.
Thus, we investigated control of denitrification by these largescale characteristics in eighteen nontidal floodplains of the Chesapeake Bay watershed (i.
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An analysis of stakeholder participation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta and Tampa Bay Watershed governance systems demonstrates that broader participation is associated with greater primary forum influence.
An analysis of stakeholder participation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta and Tampa Bay Watershed governance systems demonstrates that broader participation is associated with greater primary forum influence.
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We estimate that in excess of 6100 kg of soluble N is discharged daily from United States Geological Survey identified springs in four Mid-Atlantic states within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
We estimate that in excess of 6100 kg of soluble N is discharged daily from United States Geological Survey identified springs in four Mid-Atlantic states within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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To investigate the effectiveness of microtargeting to improve conservation, we developed a propensity model to predict restoration behavior among 203,645 private landowners in a 5,200,000 ha study area in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (U.
To investigate the effectiveness of microtargeting to improve conservation, we developed a propensity model to predict restoration behavior among 203,645 private landowners in a 5,200,000 ha study area in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (U.
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Finally, it was concluded that the most sustainable approach is to control the stressor – pollution coming from Gorgan Bay watershed and entering the bay.
Finally, it was concluded that the most sustainable approach is to control the stressor – pollution coming from Gorgan Bay watershed and entering the bay.
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Studies have shown that in spite of ongoing human activities in the Kola Bay watershed, the state of the ecosystems in local streams generally remains satisfactory.
Studies have shown that in spite of ongoing human activities in the Kola Bay watershed, the state of the ecosystems in local streams generally remains satisfactory.
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More Bay Watershed sentence examples
We collected data from 351 anglers regarding their trust in nine organizations whose efforts are relevant to dioxin contamination in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay Watershed, risk perceptions, and self-reports of risky behavior (i.
We collected data from 351 anglers regarding their trust in nine organizations whose efforts are relevant to dioxin contamination in Michigan’s Saginaw Bay Watershed, risk perceptions, and self-reports of risky behavior (i.
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A recent summary of research indicates, in fact, that the adoption of conventional NPS conservation practices is not directly linked to measurable pollution reduction in most streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (Keisman et al.
A recent summary of research indicates, in fact, that the adoption of conventional NPS conservation practices is not directly linked to measurable pollution reduction in most streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (Keisman et al.
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This study uses a dynamic economic model to investigate the uncertainties in the yields and costs of switchgrass production, in comparison with those of corn-soybeans in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in Pennsylvania.
This study uses a dynamic economic model to investigate the uncertainties in the yields and costs of switchgrass production, in comparison with those of corn-soybeans in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed in Pennsylvania.
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Water quality is a key environmental component and issue in need to be evaluated in the Pelican Bay Watershed, the biggest urban and economic development of Santa Cruz Island, for better management and regulation of water resources.
Water quality is a key environmental component and issue in need to be evaluated in the Pelican Bay Watershed, the biggest urban and economic development of Santa Cruz Island, for better management and regulation of water resources.
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In the following research, we test the efficacy of two social marketing strategies—microtargeting and normative appeals—through a randomized controlled trial of an integrated social marketing campaign targeting riparian landowners in the Pennsylvania portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
In the following research, we test the efficacy of two social marketing strategies—microtargeting and normative appeals—through a randomized controlled trial of an integrated social marketing campaign targeting riparian landowners in the Pennsylvania portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
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We evaluate the response of soil moisture and groundwater dynamics during drought in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
We evaluate the response of soil moisture and groundwater dynamics during drought in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
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Through a survey and interviews with crop advisers in the Saginaw Bay watershed in Michigan, USA, we explore crop advisers’ perceptions of their role in the program and of delivering conservation information to farmers.
Through a survey and interviews with crop advisers in the Saginaw Bay watershed in Michigan, USA, we explore crop advisers’ perceptions of their role in the program and of delivering conservation information to farmers.
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Ecosystem services provided by depressional wetlands on the coastal plain of the Chesapeake Bay watershed (CBW) have been widely recognized and studied.
Ecosystem services provided by depressional wetlands on the coastal plain of the Chesapeake Bay watershed (CBW) have been widely recognized and studied.
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A total maximum daily load for the Chesapeake Bay requires reduction in pollutant load from sources within the Bay watersheds.
A total maximum daily load for the Chesapeake Bay requires reduction in pollutant load from sources within the Bay watersheds.
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In this study, we quantify the terrestrial water storage using both remote sensing and in-situ data and hydrologic model outputs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
In this study, we quantify the terrestrial water storage using both remote sensing and in-situ data and hydrologic model outputs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Atmospheric deposition is among the largest pathways of nitrogen loading to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW).
Atmospheric deposition is among the largest pathways of nitrogen loading to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW).
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For the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the TMDL program requires that nitrogen loadings be reduced by 25% by 2025.
For the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the TMDL program requires that nitrogen loadings be reduced by 25% by 2025.
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We coupled a spatially-explicit land use/land cover (LULC) change model, Dinamica EGO, (Environment for Geoprocessing Objects), with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model (CBWM) to project the impact of future LULC change on loading of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) as well as runoff volume in the watersheds surrounding Virginia's Shenandoah National Park in the eastern United States.
We coupled a spatially-explicit land use/land cover (LULC) change model, Dinamica EGO, (Environment for Geoprocessing Objects), with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model (CBWM) to project the impact of future LULC change on loading of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) as well as runoff volume in the watersheds surrounding Virginia's Shenandoah National Park in the eastern United States.
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Despite widespread implementation of best management practices across the Chesapeake Bay watershed following the implementation in 2010 of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) to improve the health of the bay, P load reductions across the bay's 166,000-km watershed have been uneven, and dissolved P loads have increased in a number of the bay's tributaries.
Despite widespread implementation of best management practices across the Chesapeake Bay watershed following the implementation in 2010 of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) to improve the health of the bay, P load reductions across the bay's 166,000-km watershed have been uneven, and dissolved P loads have increased in a number of the bay's tributaries.
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It is one of the main models used in the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) assessment program and has been employed to evaluate the effects of conservation practices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW).
It is one of the main models used in the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) assessment program and has been employed to evaluate the effects of conservation practices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW).
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Therefore we investigated the acute toxicity of Cu to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in low-hardness water (∼ 30 mg/L as CaCO3 ) formulated in the laboratory and collected from the Bristol Bay watershed.
Therefore we investigated the acute toxicity of Cu to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in low-hardness water (∼ 30 mg/L as CaCO3 ) formulated in the laboratory and collected from the Bristol Bay watershed.
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The objective of this study is to provide a quantitative evaluation of the environmental impact of economic activities in the Mikawa Bay watershed and surrounding regions (e.
The objective of this study is to provide a quantitative evaluation of the environmental impact of economic activities in the Mikawa Bay watershed and surrounding regions (e.
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Natural resource extraction in large undeveloped areas—such as the Bristol Bay watershed in Southwest Alaska—often necessitates construction of roads that contribute substantial environmental risks.
Natural resource extraction in large undeveloped areas—such as the Bristol Bay watershed in Southwest Alaska—often necessitates construction of roads that contribute substantial environmental risks.
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In this study we have investigated the effect of Fe-montmorillonite clay from Chelel on turbidity, pH, concentration of iron, total suspended soils, total nutrients and COD of water sampled from Murchison bay watershed of Nakivubo channel south of Kampala.
In this study we have investigated the effect of Fe-montmorillonite clay from Chelel on turbidity, pH, concentration of iron, total suspended soils, total nutrients and COD of water sampled from Murchison bay watershed of Nakivubo channel south of Kampala.
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Keywords related to Bay
Bay Continental
Bay Labor
Bay Formation
Bay China
Bay Northern
Bay Company
Bay Substituted Perylene
Bay Central
Bay Beach
Bay Es
Bay South
Bay Oil
Bay Water
Bay Cave
Bay Se
Bay Municipality
Bay Sw
Bay Rio
Bay Zone
Bay Fl
Bay Warming
Bay Complex
Bay Laurel
Bay Waters
Bay Annulated Indigo
Bay West
Bay Basin
Bay Estuary
Bay Cree
Bay Lowlands
Bay 11 7082
Bay Leaves
Bay County
Bay Australia
Bay Wetland
Bay Scallop
Bay Sediments
Bay Area
Bay Center
Bay Coastal
Bay Polar
Bay Region
Bay Eastern
Bay 41 2272
Bay Island
Bay Leaf
Bay Bridge
Bay Lake
Bay Sea
Bay National
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Keywords related to Watershed
Lake Watershed
Integrated Watershed
Peri Urban Watershed
Mountainous Watershed
Arid Watershed
Serayu Watershed
Reservoir Watershed
Experimental Watershed
Forest Watershed
Marker Controlled Watershed
Urban Watershed
Long Term Watershed
Mediterranean Watershed
Sustainable Watershed
Chabagou Watershed
Coastal Watershed
Semiarid Watershed
Collaborative Watershed
Brantas Watershed
Rural Watershed
Permafrost Watershed
Tropical Watershed
Agricultural Watershed
Typical Watershed
Hare Watershed
Forested Watershed
Canal Watershed
Dam Watershed
Alpine Watershed
Tafna Watershed
Sub Watershed
Karst Watershed
Improved Watershed
Ourika Watershed
Rainforest Watershed
Urbanized Watershed
Brazilian Watershed
Creek Watershed
Montane Watershed
Himalayan Watershed
Citarum Watershed
Stream Watershed
Fincha Watershed
Local Watershed
Arctic Watershed
Semi Humid Watershed
Bilate Watershed
Pare Watershed
Hawassa Watershed
Canadian Watershed
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Bay Watershed