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(Re)discovering Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Achieving Certainty in Treaties with Indigenous Peoples: Small Steps Towards Adopting Elements of Recognition

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(Re)discovering Pedagogy of the Oppressed

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Genetic composition and conservation status of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) in the San Juan Islands, Washington

Achieving Certainty in Treaties with Indigenous Peoples: Small Steps Towards Adopting Elements of Recognition

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Sovereign Injustice y Projet de loi nº1: análisis comparado de las narrativas nacionalistas de los Québécois y de los James Bay Crees en el referéndum de Quebec de 1995

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A new species and immature stages of the skiff beetle genus Yara Reichardt and Hinton (Coleoptera: Myxophaga: Hydroscaphidae) from Nicaragua.

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Defining boat wake impacts on shoreline stability toward management and policy solutions

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