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A series of wave and current meters, complemented by a video imagery system, were deployed on a barred beach of northern France during a 6-day experiment in order to characterize the spatial and temporal variability of wave-induced processes across the beach.
A series of wave and current meters, complemented by a video imagery system, were deployed on a barred beach of northern France during a 6-day experiment in order to characterize the spatial and temporal variability of wave-induced processes across the beach.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
This study monitors the response and recovery of a sandy multi-barred beach after a severe storm.
This study monitors the response and recovery of a sandy multi-barred beach after a severe storm.
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In this work, the performance of a 1D Boussinesq Type Model is assessed by expanding the traditional approach of calibrating the models against profiles and time series of wave quantities data, with remotely sensed observations of the spatio-temporal occurrence of breaking events, on a laboratory setting considering one regular and one irregular wave condition over a fixed barred beach.
In this work, the performance of a 1D Boussinesq Type Model is assessed by expanding the traditional approach of calibrating the models against profiles and time series of wave quantities data, with remotely sensed observations of the spatio-temporal occurrence of breaking events, on a laboratory setting considering one regular and one irregular wave condition over a fixed barred beach.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
Three laboratory experiments, including a fringing reef and a barred beach, were used to validate the presented mode for different hydrodynamic conditions.
Three laboratory experiments, including a fringing reef and a barred beach, were used to validate the presented mode for different hydrodynamic conditions.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
Nearshore dynamics of infragravity (IG) waves on a barred beach with a steep foreshore (∼1:10) is discussed.
Nearshore dynamics of infragravity (IG) waves on a barred beach with a steep foreshore (∼1:10) is discussed.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
Statistical analysis of longshore currents on a barred beach.
Statistical analysis of longshore currents on a barred beach.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
The morphodynamic stability of double-barred beaches is explored using a numerical model based on linear stability analysis.
The morphodynamic stability of double-barred beaches is explored using a numerical model based on linear stability analysis.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
In this first of two papers, performance of the algorithm using X-band radar image time series is tested at two disparate barred beach environments: Duck, NC, USA, and Benson Beach, WA, USA.
In this first of two papers, performance of the algorithm using X-band radar image time series is tested at two disparate barred beach environments: Duck, NC, USA, and Benson Beach, WA, USA.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
This study investigates the impact of a severe storm on coastline response on a sandy multi-barred beach at the Belgian coast.
This study investigates the impact of a severe storm on coastline response on a sandy multi-barred beach at the Belgian coast.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
Numerical simulations performed using a Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations (NSWE) solver are run over a real-world barred beach (baseline tests).
Numerical simulations performed using a Nonlinear Shallow-Water Equations (NSWE) solver are run over a real-world barred beach (baseline tests).
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
Three complete annual sandbar migration cycles were studied on a single-barred beach.
Three complete annual sandbar migration cycles were studied on a single-barred beach.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
The vertical profiles of longshore currents have been examined experimentally over plane and barred beaches.
The vertical profiles of longshore currents have been examined experimentally over plane and barred beaches.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
24(1–2), 51–80 1995), and for simulating random wave over a barred beach of Boer (1996).
24(1–2), 51–80 1995), and for simulating random wave over a barred beach of Boer (1996).
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
An alongshore array of pressure sensors and a cross-shore array of current velocity and pressure sensors were deployed on a barred beach in southwestern Australia to estimate the relative response of edge waves and leaky waves to variable incident wind wave conditions.
An alongshore array of pressure sensors and a cross-shore array of current velocity and pressure sensors were deployed on a barred beach in southwestern Australia to estimate the relative response of edge waves and leaky waves to variable incident wind wave conditions.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
Comparison with published field data leads to the conclusion that the computed and observed storm-induced deformations of barred beach slopes are satisfactorily consistent.
Comparison with published field data leads to the conclusion that the computed and observed storm-induced deformations of barred beach slopes are satisfactorily consistent.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
The four formulations are evaluated against the laboratory data by simulating oblique incident waves on a planar beach, normal incident waves on a planar beach, a barred beach and a nearshore barred beach with rip channels.
The four formulations are evaluated against the laboratory data by simulating oblique incident waves on a planar beach, normal incident waves on a planar beach, a barred beach and a nearshore barred beach with rip channels.
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More Barred Beach sentence examples
At the beach of Sete (southeast France), the submerged structure clearly affects the natural net offshore migration cycle (NOM) of the former double barred beach.
At the beach of Sete (southeast France), the submerged structure clearly affects the natural net offshore migration cycle (NOM) of the former double barred beach.
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Barred Beach