Introduction to Audit Fee - Financial Reporting Quality
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Audit Fee sentence examples within Financial Reporting Quality
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of audit fees as an indicator of audit quality on the board components, the directors' remunerations, and the financial reporting quality in the Jordanian context.
We further find that firms with higher accounting human capital exhibit stronger market reactions to earnings news and pay lower audit fees, confirming that external stakeholders perceive these firms as having better financial reporting quality.
This study examined the effect of auditor independence on financial reporting quality of deposit money banks in Nigeria with Financial Reporting Quality as the dependent variable; Audit Fee, Audit Firm Size and Audit Meeting as independent variables, Debt Ratio as control variable.
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SUMMARY This study investigates the impact of backscratching between the CEO and directors on a firm's future performance, financial reporting quality, and audit fees.
Utilizing restatements, the mapping of accruals into cash flows, earnings persistence, and audit fees as measures of financial reporting quality, we find that prior-period comparability is associated with higher financial reporting quality.
Utilizing restatements, the mapping of accruals into cash flows, earnings persistence, and audit fees as measures of financial reporting quality, we find that prior-period comparability is associated with higher financial reporting quality.