Introduction to Apricot Fruits
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Apricot fruits were sulfurized in a way that contains low, medium, and high doses of sulfur.
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Monilinia laxa causes serious postharvest damage on apricot fruits under shelf-life storage conditions.
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Significant amounts of phytochemicals found in apricot fruits are chlorogenic acid [0.
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Nutritional and commercial value of the apricot fruits depends on the interaction among several factors, including the management strategies, the environmental conditions, and the genotype.
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The commodity attribute of apricot fruits may greatly decline during transportation and storage.
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Apricot fruits are a favorite for consumption; however, their kernels are a rich source of nutritionally interesting substances, too.
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To explore the metabolic basis of carotenoid accumulation in different developmental periods of apricot fruits, targeted metabonomic and transcriptomic analyses were conducted in four developmental periods (S1-S4) in two cultivars (Prunus armeniaca cv.
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The aim of this research is to extract carotenoids from apricot fruits using a food solvent (ethanol) and a non-food solvent (propanol).
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According to the results obtained, the maximum amygdalin was noted from the whole kernel of the apricot fruits as 5888.
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On apricot fruits small, dark brown, mainly circular superficial lesions were observed.
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The sample color was measured on the inside and the outside of the dried apricot fruits.
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Physical and imaging properties of apricot fruits are the main factors considered in the design and development of sorting mechanisms.
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The quality and internal (physical and chemical) changes in apricot fruits (Prunus armeniaca L.
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The effects of exogenous polyamines treatment on reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism in apricot fruits were systematically analyzed through the investigation of their curative and preventive effects on black spot disease.
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The developed method is fast and economically feasible for accurate characterisation of the phenolic profile of apricot fruits and thus can be routinely used to extract apricot phenolic compounds for their characterisation.
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