Amygdalar Functional in a Sentence
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Amygdalar Functional
Conclusion Our data provide preliminary evidence that lower levels of FAAH in the amygdala relate to increased frontoamygdalar functional coupling.
Conclusion Our data provide preliminary evidence that lower levels of FAAH in the amygdala relate to increased frontoamygdalar functional coupling.
Amygdalar Functional
Effective amygdalar functionality depends on the concerted activity of a complex network of regions.
Effective amygdalar functionality depends on the concerted activity of a complex network of regions.
Amygdalar Functional
Hypotheses: After exposure to criticism during fMRI scanning, rapid changes in amygdalar functional connectivity (FC) with other brain areas involved in emotion regulation and social cognitive processing will occur.
Hypotheses: After exposure to criticism during fMRI scanning, rapid changes in amygdalar functional connectivity (FC) with other brain areas involved in emotion regulation and social cognitive processing will occur.
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Amygdalar Functional
Furthermore, re-experiencing severity was positively related to amygdalar functional connectivity with the left inferior frontal gyrus and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex for NEG>NEU.
Furthermore, re-experiencing severity was positively related to amygdalar functional connectivity with the left inferior frontal gyrus and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex for NEG>NEU.
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An Overview of Amygdalar Functional
Amygdalar Functional