Introduction to Affiliated Community Hospital
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A large tertiary care hospital or one of its affiliated community hospitals.
Here we report our experience establishing multidisciplinary HPB program at a university-affiliated community hospital.
Methods A prospective interventional study was conducted at a university-affiliated community hospital between 1 January 2017 and 30 September 2018.
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Academic-affiliated community hospital.
Methods This hospital registry study examined 150,710 patients aged 18 years and above, who underwent surgery with general anesthesia and mechanical ventilation between 2007 and 2015 at a tertiary care center and two affiliated community hospitals in Massachusetts, USA.
A multicenter retrospective cohort analysis of consecutive patients undergoing a robotic-assisted transabdominal cerclage (RA-TAC) for obstetric indications at two urban teaching university hospital and one academically affiliated community hospital.
A prospectively maintained database of robotic-assisted colorectal surgery performed at our university-affiliated community hospital was used to identify consecutive patients who underwent robotic-assisted surgery for complicated or non-complicated diverticulitis.
92]) and when the physician worked at a university-affiliated community hospital (vs.
It was then administered to physicians of five specialties (including radiology) at an urban quaternary care academic center and an affiliated community hospital.
We conducted a multicenter, retrospective analysis of adherence to the travel screening program in an academic hospital and three affiliated community hospitals.
Setting Single academic affiliated community hospital.
Setting Single academic affiliated community hospital.
Setting Academic affiliated community hospital.