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Accelerates Diabetic sentence examples within accelerates diabetic wound

Naoxintong accelerates diabetic wound healing by attenuating inflammatory response

Sustained oxygenation accelerates diabetic wound healing by promoting epithelialization and angiogenesis and decreasing inflammation

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Naoxintong accelerates diabetic wound healing by attenuating inflammatory response

Sustained oxygenation accelerates diabetic wound healing by promoting epithelialization and angiogenesis and decreasing inflammation

Pterostilbene accelerates wound healing by modulating diabetes-induced estrogen receptor β suppression in hematopoietic stem cells

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Mathematical Model Predicts that Acceleration of Diabetic Wound Healing is Dependent on Spatial Distribution of VEGF-A mRNA (AZD8601)

ERβ Accelerates Diabetic Wound Healing by Ameliorating Hyperglycemia-Induced Persistent Oxidative Stress

Transgenic Expression of miR-133a in the Diabetic Akita Heart Prevents Cardiac Remodeling and Cardiomyopathy

Hydrogen sulfide primes diabetic wound to close through inhibition of NETosis

Molecular Changes in Diabetic Wound Healing following Administration of Vitamin D and Ginger Supplements: Biochemical and Molecular Experimental Study

PPARα and PPARγ activation attenuates total free fatty acid and triglyceride accumulation in macrophages via the inhibition of Fatp1 expression

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Accelerates Diabetic