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International Collaboration
The understanding of the natural history of ocular surface neoplasia is evolving, and this article can be seen as a call for more international collaboration on the diagnosis, classification and outcomes of OSSN.
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As a result, the Vietnamese government embraces international collaborations in higher education as a way to address educational needs; however, although research exists on policy implications and government priorities, very little is known about how students perceive the teaching methods provided at these collaborative transnational universities.
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As a result of this meeting, a network of international collaborations started and led to the creation of thriving international conferences such as the 1st Iberoamerican Symposium on Adsorption (IBA-1) held in Recife, Brazil in 2012.
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In this paper, we address the key scientific and operational issues and outline the opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaboration these trials offer.
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To understand the impact of highly cited articles in Indian Pharmaceutical research and the role of research organizations, contributing authors and their international collaborations, through their citation distribution and publication published during 1998-2017.
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The REACH project is an international collaboration between numerous research institutions, with prototype deployment for late 2019 planned in the Karoo region of South Africa.
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The scientific processes, structure, evidence history, and international collaborations were included in the map.
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This prognostic biomarker has been included in ovarian cancer pathology reporting guidelines (International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting, College of American Pathologists) and in the upcoming European Society for Medical Oncology-European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESMO-ESGO) guidelines for ovarian cancer management.
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The International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR) has developed a suite of detailed datasets for international implementation.
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Subjects/methodsWe pooled data from 19,351 middle-aged women from five observational studies in Australia, UK, USA, and Japan that contribute to the International Collaboration for a Life course Approach to reproductive health and Chronic disease Events (InterLACE).
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