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Local Stress
The simulation results are also criticized by analyzing the local stresses and the predicted biomechanical responses provided by the different prosthetic solutions in terms of time-dependency manifested by the hysteretic behavior under a cyclic movement and the frequency effect.
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Areas of greatest dilation are largely controlled by the orientation of individual fault segments relative to the local stress field and the intersection of the faults with a competent fenestral limestone unit (Unit 5) and lower platform and bank facies (Unit 1).
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In posttensioned concrete members, the high local stress under the anchorage causes transverse tensile stress.
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Then, the fatigue notch coefficient in local stress-strain method is calibrated and validated by representative coupon test data and then used to calculate fatigue damage under different structural load-time histories of each aircraft.
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Local stress rotations, and fault linkage rotations explain many of the Type 2 and 3 fault orientations.
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As a result, the determination of local stress fields reduces to solving the Helmholtz equations with the known right-hand side of the equations.
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The difference in surface roughness could induce a difference in local stress concentrations at the surface, but in this test the cracks causing fatigue failure are initiated at a depth where the stress distribution is not affected by local surface stress concentrations.
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The integration of surface observations and sub-surface data (wellbore and seismic) from the orogenic front of the Malargue fold-and-thrust belt allows us to study its kinematics and to interpret the local stress field and its control over fluid (magmatic and hydrocarbon) migration.
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The nonlocal stress–strain gradient theory in conjunction with the unified higher-order beam theory by considering the temperature dependence of material properties and the initial thermal stresses is used to derive nonclassical governing equations.
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Considering a short propagating crack, the local stress intensity factor, which represents the crack growth driving force, increases due to the crack extension, yet crack arrest may occur.
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