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3d Body sentence examples within Human 3d Body

Robust 3D Human Pose Estimation Guided by Filtered Subsets of Body Keypoints

An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation

3d Body sentence examples within Investigated 3d Body

The Method of Automatic Determination of the Types of Spatial Angles in 3D Models of CAD Systems

The Method of Automatic Determination of the Types of Spatial Angles in 3D Models of CAD Systems

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body pose

A Deep Neural Network-based method for estimation of 3D lifting motions.

Gait Recognition from Markerless 3D Motion Capture

Learn more from 3d Body

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body scanning

Three-dimensional Body Scanning in Sustainable Product Development: An exploration of the use of body scanning in the production and consumption of female apparel

Garment Fit: Where Do We Stand?

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body scan

Human Body Prediction of Size and Shape A Hormonal Framework

Human body prediction of size and shape: a hormonal framework

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body shape

Shape-based three-dimensional body composition extrapolation using multimodality registration

High-precision scanning system for complete 3D cow body shape imaging and analysis of morphological traits

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body scanner

Reliability of Anthropometric Reference Data for Children’s Product Design

Evaluation of CAD Technology for Mass Customization

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body model

Deep neural networks for human pose estimation from a very low resolution depth image

An integrative study of facultative personality calibration

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body measurement

Relationship between Human Body Anthropometric Measurements and Basal Metabolic Rate

Fast 3D Body Measurement Based on Multi-directional Point Cloud Piecing

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body image

The Impact of Virtual Body Satisfaction on Purchase Intentions of a Skirt During Virtual Try-On

3D Body Image Perception and Pain Visualization Tool for Upper Limb Amputees

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body processing

Man vs. Machine - Measuring People for the Apparel Industry

Working Group Progress for IEEE P3141 - Standard for 3D Body Processing, 2018-2019

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body reconstruction

3D Reconstruction and alignment by consumer RGB-D sensors and fiducial planar markers for patient positioning in radiation therapy

DenseRaC: Joint 3D Pose and Shape Estimation by Dense Render-and-Compare

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body joint

Multi-view Reconstruction of 3D Human Pose with Procrustes Analysis

Visual-GPS: Ego-Downward and Ambient Video Based Person Location Association

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body mesh

Through-Wall Human Mesh Recovery Using Radio Signals

Liquid Warping GAN: A Unified Framework for Human Motion Imitation, Appearance Transfer and Novel View Synthesis

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body angle

The Method of Automatic Determination of the Types of Spatial Angles in 3D Models of CAD Systems

The Method of Automatic Determination of the Types of Spatial Angles in 3D Models of CAD Systems

3d Body sentence examples within 3d body surface

Optical-CT Dual-Modality Mapping Base on DRR Registration

Host Mesh Fitting of a Generic Musculoskeletal Model of the Lower Limbs to Subject-Specific Body Surface Data: A Validation Study

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Relationship between Human Body Anthropometric Measurements and Basal Metabolic Rate

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Human Body Prediction of Size and Shape A Hormonal Framework

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A Comparative Study Between Three Measurement Methods to Predict 3D Body Dimensions Using Shape Modelling

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Three-dimensional Body Scanning in Sustainable Product Development: An exploration of the use of body scanning in the production and consumption of female apparel

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A Deep Neural Network-based method for estimation of 3D lifting motions.

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Gait Recognition from Markerless 3D Motion Capture

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Explicit Spatiotemporal Joint Relation Learning for Tracking Human Pose

Human body prediction of size and shape: a hormonal framework

Man vs. Machine - Measuring People for the Apparel Industry

Garment Fit: Where Do We Stand?

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A mixed-methods approach to evaluate fit and comfort of the hospital patient gown

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Drive&Act: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Fine-Grained Driver Behavior Recognition in Autonomous Vehicles

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Shape-based three-dimensional body composition extrapolation using multimodality registration

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The Impact of Virtual Body Satisfaction on Purchase Intentions of a Skirt During Virtual Try-On

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Deep neural networks for human pose estimation from a very low resolution depth image

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Parametric 3D modeling of a symmetric human body

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An integrative study of facultative personality calibration

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MonoEye: Monocular Fisheye Camera-based 3D Human Pose Estimation

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3D Body Image Perception and Pain Visualization Tool for Upper Limb Amputees

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Standards and norms

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Neutral Body Posture in Spaceflight

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Robust 3D Human Pose Estimation Guided by Filtered Subsets of Body Keypoints

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High-precision scanning system for complete 3D cow body shape imaging and analysis of morphological traits

Real‐time 3D human pose and motion reconstruction from monocular RGB videos

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Sizing and fit for swimsuits and diving suits

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Markerless Outdoor Human Motion Capture Using Multiple Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles

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A Study on the Analysis of the Torso and Breast of Female Students by Age

How the U.S. Sport Performance Apparel Industry Sizes Up to Female Plus Bodies

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GarNet: A Two-Stream Network for Fast and Accurate 3D Cloth Draping

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3D Reconstruction and alignment by consumer RGB-D sensors and fiducial planar markers for patient positioning in radiation therapy

The Suitability of Body Scanning Measurement in Pattern Drafting Methods

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Multi-view Reconstruction of 3D Human Pose with Procrustes Analysis

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Through-Wall Human Mesh Recovery Using Radio Signals

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Reliability of Anthropometric Reference Data for Children’s Product Design

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Fast 3D Body Measurement Based on Multi-directional Point Cloud Piecing

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The need for services and technologies in physical fast fashion stores: Generation Y’s opinion

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Gen: a general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference