The Lancet Planetary Health
最新影響指數 - 實時趨勢預測 & 期刊影響力排名
Journal's Impact Ranking
The Lancet Planetary Health
Journal's Impact Ranking
Category | Quartile | Rank | Percentile |
Medicine - Health Policy | -Q1 | -1/265 |
Medicine - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health | -Q1 | -4/562 |
Social Sciences - Health (social science) | -Q1 | -3/323 |
Medicine - Medicine (miscellaneous) | -Q1 | -4/276 |
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Highly Cited Articles
The Lancet Planetary Health
High Impact Research Articles
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Journal Research Scope
The Lancet Planetary Health
Research Scope
Research Scope
The Lancet Planetary Health
Research Scope
The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health 2023-2024 年的影響指數為28.75。
近十年The Lancet Planetary Health的最高影響指數為28.75。
近十年The Lancet Planetary Health的最低影響指數為2.46。
近十年The Lancet Planetary Health的影響指數累積成長率為1068.7%。
近十年The Lancet Planetary Health的影響指數平均成長率為267.2%。
The Lancet Planetary Health Journal's Impact IF 2025 Prediction
The Lancet Planetary Health Journal's Impact IF Prediction System is now online. You can start share your valuable insights with the community.
年 | 影響指數 |
年 | 影響指數 |
2021-2022 | 28.75 |
2020-2021 | 19.173 |
2019-2020 | 4.205 |
2018-2019 | 2.460 |
2017-2018 | - |
2016-2017 | - |
2015-2016 | - |
2014-2015 | - |
2013-2014 | - |
2012-2011 | - |
· The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
· The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
· The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
· The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
The Lancet Planetary Health2017-2018的影響指數仍在等待計算中,敬請關注!
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
The Lancet Planetary Health2016-2017的影響指數仍在等待計算中,敬請關注!
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
The Lancet Planetary Health2015-2016的影響指數仍在等待計算中,敬請關注!
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
The Lancet Planetary Health2014-2015的影響指數仍在等待計算中,敬請關注!
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
The Lancet Planetary Health2013-2014的影響指數仍在等待計算中,敬請關注!
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
The Lancet Planetary Health2012-2011的影響指數仍在等待計算中,敬請關注!
The Lancet Planetary Health 影響指數
年 | 出版數量 | 引用數量 |
年 | 出版数量 | 引用数量 |
2017 | 97 | 1676 |
2018 | 127 | 2160 |
2019 | 130 | 1768 |
2020 | 136 | 2441 |
2021 | 165 | 3878 |
· The Lancet Planetary Health於2017年發表了97篇报告,並取得1676篇文獻引用。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
· The Lancet Planetary Health於2018年發表了127篇报告,並取得2160篇文獻引用。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
· The Lancet Planetary Health於2019年發表了130篇报告,並取得1768篇文獻引用。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
· The Lancet Planetary Health於2020年發表了136篇报告,並取得2441篇文獻引用。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
· The Lancet Planetary Health於2021年發表了165篇报告,並取得3878篇文獻引用。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
· The Lancet Planetary Health的總出版物為655。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
· The Lancet Planetary Health的總引用數為11923。
The Lancet Planetary Health 指標分析
The Lancet Planetary Health is a gold Open Access journal that aims to establish and grow an entirely new field of scientific inquiryânamely, to investigate and provide solutions to the political, economic, social, and environmental determinants of healthy human civilisations and the natural systems on which they depend. In a new and urgent era of sustainable development, The Lancet Planetary Health seeks to be the pre-eminent journal for inquiry into sustainable human civilisations at a time when those civilisations face unprecedented dangers and threats. The scope of the journal is therefore wide and interdisciplinary, and includes poverty, nutrition, gender equity, water and sanitation, energy, economic growth, industrialisation, inequality, urbanisation, human consumption and production, climate change, ocean health, land use, peace, and justice. Put simply, The Lancet Planetary Health aims to be the leading journal of, and for, sustainable development. To meet these ambitious objectives, the journal is committed to publishing high-quality research, comment, and correspondence. The Lancet Planetary Health is a monthly, open access, online-only title in The Lancet's growing family of specialty journals. Building on the foundation of The Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on planetary health, the journal is committed to publishing high-quality original Research Articles, Editorials, Comments, and Correspondence that contribute to defining and advancing planetary health worldwide.
The Lancet Planetary Health的出版社是
Elsevier BV
The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health publishes reports
The Lancet Planetary Health
The Lancet Planetary Health的出版年度包含
2017 - Present
The Lancet Planetary Health
The language of The Lancet Planetary Health is
The Lancet Planetary Health
The publisher of The Lancet Planetary Health is
Elsevier BV
which locates in
The Lancet Planetary Health
影響指數(IF)經常用作表明期刊對其領域重要性的指標。它是由科學信息研究所的創始人Eugene Garfield首次提出的。儘管IF被機構和臨床醫生廣泛使用,但是人們對於IF日記的計算方法,其意義以及如何利用它存在著廣泛的誤解。期刊的影響指數與同行評議過程的質量和期刊的內容質量等因素無關,而是一種反映對期刊,書籍,論文,項目報告,報紙上發表的文章的平均引用次數的度量,會議/研討會論文集,在互聯網上發布的文件,說明以及任何其他批准的文件。
影響指數通常用於評估期刊在其領域內的相對重要性,以及衡量期刊在特定時間段內引用“平均文章”的頻率。發表更多評論文章的期刊將獲得最高的IF。 IF較高的期刊被認為比IF較低的期刊更重要。根據尤金·加菲爾德(Eugene Garfield)的說法,“影響只是反映期刊和編輯吸引最佳論文的能力。”發表更多評論文章的期刊將獲得最大的IF。