Informatica (Ljubljana)
Trend · Prediction · Ranking אימפקט פקטור - אָנָלִיזָה, מְגַמָה, דירוג, נְבוּאָה


אימפקט פקטור




אימפקט פקטור Trend

Journal's Impact Ranking

Informatica (Ljubljana)

Journal's Impact Ranking
Category Quartile Rank Percentile
Computer Science - Computer Science Applications -Q3 -545/747
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence -Q4 -213/269
Mathematics - Theoretical Computer Science -Q4 -101/123
Computer Science - Software -Q4 -328/398
Journal's Impact IF Ranking

The Journal's Impact IF Ranking of Informatica (Ljubljana) is still under analysis. Stay Tuned!

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Informatica (Ljubljana)

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Informatica (Ljubljana)

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Informatica (Ljubljana)

The 2023-2024 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.299, which is just updated in 2024.

Informatica (Ljubljana) Journal's Impact IF
Highest IF
Highest אימפקט פקטור

The highest אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.299.

Lowest IF
Lowest אימפקט פקטור

The lowest אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.136.

Total Growth Rate
IF Total Growth Rate

The total growth rate of Informatica (Ljubljana) IF is 26.2%.

Annual Growth Rate
IF Annual Growth Rate

The annual growth rate of Informatica (Ljubljana) IF is 2.6%.

Informatica (Ljubljana) Journal's Impact IF 2024-2025 Prediction

Informatica (Ljubljana) Journal's Impact IF Predition System

Informatica (Ljubljana) Journal's Impact IF Prediction System is now online. You can start share your valuable insights with the community.

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Total Publications
Total Citations

Annual Publication Volume

Annual Citation Record

International Collaboration Trend

Cited Documents Trend

אימפקט פקטור History

Year אימפקט פקטור
Year אימפקט פקטור
2021-2022 0.299
2020-2021 0.172
2019-2020 0.178
2018-2019 0.138
2017-2018 0.143
2016-2017 0.136
2015-2016 0.267
2014-2015 0.248
2013-2014 0.217
2012-2011 0.237
אימפקט פקטור History

· The 2021-2022 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.299
· The 2020-2021 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.172
· The 2019-2020 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.178
· The 2018-2019 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.138
· The 2017-2018 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.143
· The 2016-2017 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.136
· The 2015-2016 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.267
· The 2014-2015 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.248
· The 2013-2014 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.217
· The 2012-2011 אימפקט פקטור of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0.237

Publications Cites Dataset

Year Publications Citations
Year Publications Citations
1999 57 1154
2000 54 1135
2001 69 1406
2002 48 828
2003 55 1044
2004 52 959
2005 56 1375
2006 52 1404
2007 49 1285
2008 44 1112
2009 50 1400
2010 58 1333
2011 51 1346
2012 46 1182
2013 51 1348
2014 43 1067
2015 51 1068
2016 50 1090
2017 48 1631
2018 60 1818
2019 63 1780
2020 51 1524
2021 109 3559
Publications Cites Dataset

· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 57 reports and received 1154 citations in 1999.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 54 reports and received 1135 citations in 2000.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 69 reports and received 1406 citations in 2001.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 48 reports and received 828 citations in 2002.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 55 reports and received 1044 citations in 2003.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 52 reports and received 959 citations in 2004.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 56 reports and received 1375 citations in 2005.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 52 reports and received 1404 citations in 2006.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 49 reports and received 1285 citations in 2007.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 44 reports and received 1112 citations in 2008.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 50 reports and received 1400 citations in 2009.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 58 reports and received 1333 citations in 2010.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 51 reports and received 1346 citations in 2011.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 46 reports and received 1182 citations in 2012.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 51 reports and received 1348 citations in 2013.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 43 reports and received 1067 citations in 2014.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 51 reports and received 1068 citations in 2015.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 50 reports and received 1090 citations in 2016.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 48 reports and received 1631 citations in 2017.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 60 reports and received 1818 citations in 2018.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 63 reports and received 1780 citations in 2019.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 51 reports and received 1524 citations in 2020.
· The Informatica (Ljubljana) has published 109 reports and received 3559 citations in 2021.
· The total publications of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 1267.
· The total citations of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 31848.

Informatica (Ljubljana)
Journal Profile
Informatica (Ljubljana) | Academic Accelerator - About the Journal


Informatica is an international refereed journal with its base in Europe. It publishes papers addressing all issues of interests to computer and informatics professionals and cognitive scientists: from scientific and technical to educational, commercial and industrial. It also publishes critical examinations of existing publications, news about major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry, as well as conference announcements and reports.


The ISSN of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 0350-5596 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)

The ISSN (Online) of Informatica (Ljubljana) is 1854-3871 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

Slovene Society Informatika

Informatica (Ljubljana) is published by Slovene Society Informatika .

Publication Frequency
Publication Frequency

Informatica (Ljubljana) publishes reports Quarterly .

1995 - Present

The Publication History of Informatica (Ljubljana) covers 1995 - Present .

Open Access
Open Access

Publication Fee
Publication Fee


The language of Informatica (Ljubljana) is English .


The publisher of Informatica (Ljubljana) is Slovene Society Informatika , which locates in Slovenia .
