TESOL Quarterly
Latest Journal's Impact IF - Trend · Prediction · Ranking · Key Factor Analysis

Journal's Impact IF



-7.6 %

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Journal's Impact Ranking

TESOL Quarterly

Journal's Impact Ranking
Category Quartile Rank Percentile
Arts and Humanities - Language and Linguistics -Q1 -33/968
Social Sciences - Linguistics and Language -Q1 -37/1032
Social Sciences - Education -Q1 -144/1406
Journal's Impact IF Ranking

The Journal's Impact IF Ranking of TESOL Quarterly is still under analysis. Stay Tuned!

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Highly Cited Articles

TESOL Quarterly

High Impact Research Articles
Publication Title Author Listing
Publication Title Author Listing
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TESOL Quarterly

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TESOL Quarterly

The 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 3.41, which is just updated in 2024.

TESOL Quarterly Journal's Impact IF
Highest IF
Highest Journal's Impact IF

The highest Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 3.692.

Lowest IF
Lowest Journal's Impact IF

The lowest Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 0.792.

Total Growth Rate
IF Total Growth Rate

The total growth rate of TESOL Quarterly IF is 330.6%.

Annual Growth Rate
IF Annual Growth Rate

The annual growth rate of TESOL Quarterly IF is 33.1%.

Journal's Impact IF History

TESOL Quarterly

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Year Journal's Impact IF
Year Journal's Impact IF
2024-2025 Check our Real-Time IF and IF Prediction Results
2021-2022 3.41
2020-2021 3.692
2019-2020 2.071
2018-2019 2.718
2017-2018 2.256
2016-2017 2.056
2015-2016 1.513
2014-2015 0.94
2013-2014 1.0
2012-2011 0.792
Journal's Impact IF History

· The 2021-2022 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 3.41
· The 2020-2021 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 3.692
· The 2019-2020 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 2.071
· The 2018-2019 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 2.718
· The 2017-2018 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 2.256
· The 2016-2017 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 2.056
· The 2015-2016 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 1.513
· The 2014-2015 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 0.94
· The 2013-2014 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 1.0
· The 2012-2011 Journal's Impact IF of TESOL Quarterly is 0.792

TESOL Quarterly

Journal Key Metrics
Journal Title TESOL Quarterly
ISSN 0039-8322
ISSN (Online) -
Publication Frequency
1981 - Present
Open Access
Highest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 3.692
Lowest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 0.792
Total Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 330.6%
Avarage Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 33.1%
Annual Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2023 - 2024) -7.6 %
Publication Fees
Submit Manuscript

TESOL Quarterly

Journal's Impact IF 2024-2025 Prediction
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TESOL Quarterly
Journal Profile


TESOL Quarterly, a professional, refereed journal, was first published in 1967. The Quarterly encourages submission of previously unpublished articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect. As a publication that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, the Quarterly invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics, especially in the following areas: -psychology and sociology of language learning and teaching -issues in research and research methodology -testing and evaluation -professional preparation -curriculum design and development -instructional methods, materials, and techniques -language planning -professional standards Because the Quarterly is committed to publishing manuscripts that contribute to bridging theory and practice in our profession, it particularly welcomes submissions that address the implications and applications of research in, for example, -anthropology -applied and theoretical linguistics -communication education -English education, including reading and writing theory -psycholinguistics -psychology -first and second language acquisition -sociolinguistics The Quarterly prefers that all submissions be written in a style that is accessible to a broad readership, including those individuals who may not be familiar with the subject matter. TESOL Quarterly is an international journal. It welcomes submissions from English language contexts around the world. TESOL Quarterly is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of TESOL International Association. It covers English language teaching and learning, standard English as a second dialect, including articles on the psychology and sociology of language learning and teaching, professional preparation, curriculum development, and testing and evaluation. The editors-in-chief are Charlene Polio and Peter De Costa, both at Michigan State University. TESOL also publishes TESOL Journal.


The ISSN of TESOL Quarterly is 0039-8322 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)

The ISSN (Online) of TESOL Quarterly is - . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.


TESOL Quarterly is published by Wiley-Blackwell .

Publication Frequency
Publication Frequency

TESOL Quarterly publishes reports Quarterly .

1981 - Present

The Publication History of TESOL Quarterly covers 1981 - Present .

Open Access
Open Access

Publication Fees
Publication Fees


The language of TESOL Quarterly is English .

United States

The publisher of TESOL Quarterly is Wiley-Blackwell , which locates in United States .

Total Publications
Total References

Annual Publication Volume

TESOL Quarterly

Annual References Record

TESOL Quarterly

Publications References Dataset

TESOL Quarterly

Year Publications References
Year Publications References
1999 33 1338
2000 33 1370
2001 20 1020
2002 34 1305
2003 38 1349
2004 43 1512
2005 46 1380
2006 47 2294
2007 58 1591
2008 49 1334
2009 56 1534
2010 47 1655
2011 41 1705
2012 44 1877
2013 60 1846
2014 41 1778
2015 44 1823
2016 56 2106
2017 47 1860
2018 52 2124
2019 71 3057
2020 37 1843
2021 79 3470
Publications Cites Dataset

· The TESOL Quarterly has published 33 reports and received 1338 citations in 1999.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 33 reports and received 1370 citations in 2000.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 20 reports and received 1020 citations in 2001.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 34 reports and received 1305 citations in 2002.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 38 reports and received 1349 citations in 2003.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 43 reports and received 1512 citations in 2004.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 46 reports and received 1380 citations in 2005.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 47 reports and received 2294 citations in 2006.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 58 reports and received 1591 citations in 2007.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 49 reports and received 1334 citations in 2008.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 56 reports and received 1534 citations in 2009.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 47 reports and received 1655 citations in 2010.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 41 reports and received 1705 citations in 2011.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 44 reports and received 1877 citations in 2012.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 60 reports and received 1846 citations in 2013.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 41 reports and received 1778 citations in 2014.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 44 reports and received 1823 citations in 2015.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 56 reports and received 2106 citations in 2016.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 47 reports and received 1860 citations in 2017.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 52 reports and received 2124 citations in 2018.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 71 reports and received 3057 citations in 2019.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 37 reports and received 1843 citations in 2020.
· The TESOL Quarterly has published 79 reports and received 3470 citations in 2021.
· The total publications of TESOL Quarterly is 1076.
· The total citations of TESOL Quarterly is 41171.

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