Speech Communication
Latest Journal's Impact IF - Trend · Prediction · Ranking · Key Factor Analysis

Journal's Impact IF




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Speech Communication

Journal's Impact Ranking
Journal's Impact IF Ranking

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Highly Cited Articles

Speech Communication

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Speech Communication

The 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 2.723, which is just updated in 2024.

Speech Communication Journal's Impact IF
Highest IF
Highest Journal's Impact IF

The highest Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 2.723.

Lowest IF
Lowest Journal's Impact IF

The lowest Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.038.

Total Growth Rate
IF Total Growth Rate

The total growth rate of Speech Communication IF is 112.2%.

Annual Growth Rate
IF Annual Growth Rate

The annual growth rate of Speech Communication IF is 11.2%.

Journal's Impact IF History

Speech Communication

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Year Journal's Impact IF
Year Journal's Impact IF
2024-2025 Check our Real-Time IF and IF Prediction Results
2021-2022 2.723
2020-2021 2.017
2019-2020 1.417
2018-2019 1.661
2017-2018 1.585
2016-2017 1.768
2015-2016 1.038
2014-2015 1.256
2013-2014 1.548
2012-2011 1.283
Journal's Impact IF History

· The 2021-2022 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 2.723
· The 2020-2021 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 2.017
· The 2019-2020 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.417
· The 2018-2019 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.661
· The 2017-2018 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.585
· The 2016-2017 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.768
· The 2015-2016 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.038
· The 2014-2015 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.256
· The 2013-2014 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.548
· The 2012-2011 Journal's Impact IF of Speech Communication is 1.283

Speech Communication

Journal Key Metrics
Journal Title Speech Communication
ISSN 0167-6393
ISSN (Online) -
Publication Frequency
1982 - Present
Open Access
Multiple languages
Highest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 2.723
Lowest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 1.038
Total Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 112.2%
Avarage Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 11.2%
Annual Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2023 - 2024) 35.0 %
Publication Fees
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Speech Communication

Journal's Impact IF 2024-2025 Prediction
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Journal's Impact IF Data Source
Journal's Impact IF Data Source
Speech Communication
Journal Profile


Speech Communication is an interdisciplinary journal whose primary objective is to fulfil the need for the rapid dissemination and thorough discussion of basic and applied research results. In order to establish frameworks to inter-relate results from the various areas of the field, emphasis will be placed on viewpoints and topics of a transdisciplinary nature. The editorial policy and the technical content of the Journal are the responsibility of the Editors and the Institutional Representatives. The Institutional Representatives assist the Editors in the definition and the control of editorial policy as well as in maintaining connections with scientific associations, international congresses and regional events. The Editorial Board contributes towards the gathering of material for publication and assists the Editors in the editorial process. None


The ISSN of Speech Communication is 0167-6393 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)

The ISSN (Online) of Speech Communication is - . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.


Speech Communication is published by Elsevier .

Publication Frequency
Publication Frequency

Speech Communication publishes reports Bimonthly .

1982 - Present

The Publication History of Speech Communication covers 1982 - Present .

Open Access
Open Access

Publication Fees
Publication Fees

Multiple languages

The language of Speech Communication is Multiple languages .


The publisher of Speech Communication is Elsevier , which locates in Netherlands .

Total Publications
Total References

Annual Publication Volume

Speech Communication

Annual References Record

Speech Communication

Publications References Dataset

Speech Communication

Year Publications References
Year Publications References
1999 54 1576
2000 59 1480
2001 56 2012
2002 72 1995
2003 98 3884
2004 65 2031
2005 92 2952
2006 114 3482
2007 67 2784
2008 75 3009
2009 97 3815
2010 80 3619
2011 90 3709
2012 80 3763
2013 76 3254
2014 82 4109
2015 88 4556
2016 87 4577
2017 82 4338
2018 110 5372
2019 71 3801
2020 66 3684
2021 67 3957
Publications Cites Dataset

· The Speech Communication has published 54 reports and received 1576 citations in 1999.
· The Speech Communication has published 59 reports and received 1480 citations in 2000.
· The Speech Communication has published 56 reports and received 2012 citations in 2001.
· The Speech Communication has published 72 reports and received 1995 citations in 2002.
· The Speech Communication has published 98 reports and received 3884 citations in 2003.
· The Speech Communication has published 65 reports and received 2031 citations in 2004.
· The Speech Communication has published 92 reports and received 2952 citations in 2005.
· The Speech Communication has published 114 reports and received 3482 citations in 2006.
· The Speech Communication has published 67 reports and received 2784 citations in 2007.
· The Speech Communication has published 75 reports and received 3009 citations in 2008.
· The Speech Communication has published 97 reports and received 3815 citations in 2009.
· The Speech Communication has published 80 reports and received 3619 citations in 2010.
· The Speech Communication has published 90 reports and received 3709 citations in 2011.
· The Speech Communication has published 80 reports and received 3763 citations in 2012.
· The Speech Communication has published 76 reports and received 3254 citations in 2013.
· The Speech Communication has published 82 reports and received 4109 citations in 2014.
· The Speech Communication has published 88 reports and received 4556 citations in 2015.
· The Speech Communication has published 87 reports and received 4577 citations in 2016.
· The Speech Communication has published 82 reports and received 4338 citations in 2017.
· The Speech Communication has published 110 reports and received 5372 citations in 2018.
· The Speech Communication has published 71 reports and received 3801 citations in 2019.
· The Speech Communication has published 66 reports and received 3684 citations in 2020.
· The Speech Communication has published 67 reports and received 3957 citations in 2021.
· The total publications of Speech Communication is 1828.
· The total citations of Speech Communication is 77759.

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