Nature Human Behaviour
Latest Journal's Impact IF - Trend
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Journal's Impact IF Trend
Journal's Impact Ranking
Nature Human Behaviour
Journal's Impact Ranking
Category | Quartile | Rank | Percentile |
Neuroscience - Behavioral Neuroscience | -Q1 | -1/79 |
Psychology - Social Psychology | -Q1 | -3/296 |
Psychology - Experimental and Cognitive Psychology | -Q1 | -2/150 |
The Journal's Impact IF Ranking of Nature Human Behaviour is
still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor Analysis
Top IF Gainers
Neuroscience - Behavioral Neuroscience | % |
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity | +166.413% |
Nature Human Behaviour | +77.501% |
Chemical Senses | +57.753% |
Psychology - Social Psychology | % |
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy | +191.321% |
Organizational Psychology Review | +83.246% |
Nature Human Behaviour | +77.501% |
Psychology - Experimental and Cognitive Psychology | % |
Nature Human Behaviour | +77.501% |
Cognitive Neuropsychology | +51.945% |
Journal of Memory and Language | +47.793% |
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Highly Cited Articles
Nature Human Behaviour
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Nature Human Behaviour
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Journal Research Scope
Nature Human Behaviour
Research Scope
Research Scope
Nature Human Behaviour
Research Scope
Related Journals
Nature Human Behaviour
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The 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 24.252, which is just updated in 2024.
The highest Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 24.252.
The lowest Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 10.575.
The total growth rate of Nature Human Behaviour IF is 129.3%.
The annual growth rate of Nature Human Behaviour IF is 32.3%.
Journal's Impact IF History
Nature Human Behaviour
Journal's Impact IF Trend
Year | Journal's Impact IF |
Year | Journal's Impact IF |
2024-2025 | Check our Real-Time IF and IF Prediction Results |
2021-2022 | 24.252 |
2020-2021 | 13.663 |
2019-2020 | 12.282 |
2018-2019 | 10.575 |
2017-2018 | - |
2016-2017 | - |
2015-2016 | - |
2014-2015 | - |
2013-2014 | - |
2012-2011 | - |
· The 2021-2022 Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 24.252
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
· The 2020-2021 Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 13.663
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
· The 2019-2020 Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 12.282
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
· The 2018-2019 Journal's Impact IF of Nature Human Behaviour is 10.575
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Journal's Impact IF 2017-2018 of Nature Human Behaviour is still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Journal's Impact IF 2016-2017 of Nature Human Behaviour is still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Journal's Impact IF 2015-2016 of Nature Human Behaviour is still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Journal's Impact IF 2014-2015 of Nature Human Behaviour is still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Journal's Impact IF 2013-2014 of Nature Human Behaviour is still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Journal's Impact IF 2012-2011 of Nature Human Behaviour is still under analysis. Stay
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
Nature Human Behaviour
Journal Key Metrics
Journal Title | Nature Human Behaviour |
ISSN | - |
ISSN (Online) | 2397-3374 |
Publisher |
Nature Publishing Group
Publication Frequency |
Coverage |
2017 - Present
Open Access |
Language |
Highest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) | 24.252 |
Lowest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) | 10.575 |
Total Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) | 129.3% |
Avarage Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) | 32.3% |
Annual Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2023 - 2024) | 77.5 % |
Publication Fees | |
Homepage | |
Submit Manuscript | |
Nature Human Behaviour
Journal's Impact IF 2024-2025 Prediction
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Drawing from a broad spectrum of social, biological, health, and physical science disciplines, Nature Human Behaviour publishes research of outstanding significance into any aspect of individual or collective human behaviour. How do humans perceive, think, feel, decide, and act? How do they interact with their environments and others? How do these abilities develop and decline over the lifespan? How do they evolve and compare with other species? How do they vary among individuals, groups, and cultures? How are they shaped by socioeconomic and political factors? How are they affected by disease or deprivation? What interventions can influence individual behaviours or outcomes? The journal welcomes research from any discipline that provides significant original insight into these questions. Nature Human Behaviour features a broad range of topics, including (but not limited to) perception, action, memory, learning, reward, judgment, decision-making, language, communication, emotion, personality, social cognition, social behaviour, neuropsychiatric/neurodevelopmental/neurological disorders, economic & political behaviour, belief systems, social networks, social norms, social structures, behaviour change, collective cognition and behaviour, culture, public policy. In addition to publishing original research, Nature Human Behaviour publishes Reviews, Perspectives, Comments, News, Features, and Correspondence from across the full range of disciplines concerned with human behaviour. None
The ISSN of Nature Human Behaviour is
An ISSN is an 8-digit code
used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals
of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The ISSN (Online) of Nature Human Behaviour is
An ISSN is an 8-digit code
used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals
of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
Nature Human Behaviour
is published by
Nature Publishing Group
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
Nature Human Behaviour
publishes reports
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The Publication History of Nature Human Behaviour covers
2017 - Present
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The language of Nature Human Behaviour is
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
The publisher of Nature Human Behaviour is
Nature Publishing Group
which locates in
United Kingdom
Nature Human Behaviour Key Factor
Annual Publication Volume
Nature Human Behaviour
Annual References Record
Nature Human Behaviour
Publications References Dataset
Nature Human Behaviour
Year | Publications | References |
Year | Publications | References |
2017 | 227 | 5358 |
2018 | 202 | 5834 |
2019 | 262 | 6898 |
2020 | 186 | 7847 |
2021 | 218 | 11287 |