Linguistics and Philosophy
Latest Journal's Impact IF - Trend · Prediction · Ranking · Key Factor Analysis

Journal's Impact IF



-22.9 %

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Journal's Impact Ranking

Linguistics and Philosophy

Journal's Impact Ranking
Category Quartile Rank Percentile
Arts and Humanities - Philosophy -Q1 -80/718
Social Sciences - Linguistics and Language -Q1 -169/1032
Journal's Impact IF Ranking

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Highly Cited Articles

Linguistics and Philosophy

High Impact Research Articles
Publication Title Author Listing
Publication Title Author Listing

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Linguistics and Philosophy

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Linguistics and Philosophy

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Linguistics and Philosophy

The 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.167, which is just updated in 2024.

Linguistics and Philosophy Journal's Impact IF
Highest IF
Highest Journal's Impact IF

The highest Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.711.

Lowest IF
Lowest Journal's Impact IF

The lowest Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 0.514.

Total Growth Rate
IF Total Growth Rate

The total growth rate of Linguistics and Philosophy IF is 127.0%.

Annual Growth Rate
IF Annual Growth Rate

The annual growth rate of Linguistics and Philosophy IF is 12.7%.

Journal's Impact IF History

Linguistics and Philosophy

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Year Journal's Impact IF
Year Journal's Impact IF
2024-2025 Check our Real-Time IF and IF Prediction Results
2021-2022 1.167
2020-2021 1.514
2019-2020 1.711
2018-2019 0.788
2017-2018 1.321
2016-2017 1.214
2015-2016 1.259
2014-2015 0.733
2013-2014 0.788
2012-2011 0.514
Journal's Impact IF History

· The 2021-2022 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.167
· The 2020-2021 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.514
· The 2019-2020 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.711
· The 2018-2019 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 0.788
· The 2017-2018 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.321
· The 2016-2017 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.214
· The 2015-2016 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 1.259
· The 2014-2015 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 0.733
· The 2013-2014 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 0.788
· The 2012-2011 Journal's Impact IF of Linguistics and Philosophy is 0.514

Linguistics and Philosophy

Journal Key Metrics
Journal Title Linguistics and Philosophy
ISSN 0165-0157
ISSN (Online) -
Springer Netherlands
Publication Frequency
Three times a year
1977-2002, 2005-2020
Open Access
Highest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 1.711
Lowest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 0.514
Total Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 127.0%
Avarage Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 12.7%
Annual Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2023 - 2024) -22.9 %
Publication Fees
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Linguistics and Philosophy

Journal's Impact IF 2024-2025 Prediction
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Linguistics and Philosophy
Journal Profile


Linguistics and Philosophy focuses on issues related to structure and meaning in natural language, as addressed in the semantics, philosophy of language, pragmatics and related disciplines, in particular the following areas: philosophical theories of meaning and truth, reference, description, entailment, presupposition, implicatures, context-dependence, and speech acts; linguistic theories of semantic interpretation in relation to syntactic structure and prosody, of discourse structure, lexcial semantics and semantic change; psycholinguistic theories of semantic interpretation and issues of the processing and acquisition of natural language, and the relation of semantic interpretation to other cognitive faculties; mathematical and logical properties of natural language and general aspects of computational linguistics; philosophical questions raised by linguistics as a science. Linguistics and Philosophy is a peer reviewed journal addressing structure and meaning in natural language. This journal, along with Studies in Language, is a continuation of the journal Foundations of Language (1965 to 1976).


The ISSN of Linguistics and Philosophy is 0165-0157 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)

The ISSN (Online) of Linguistics and Philosophy is - . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

Springer Netherlands

Linguistics and Philosophy is published by Springer Netherlands .

Publication Frequency
Three times a year
Publication Frequency

Linguistics and Philosophy publishes reports Three times a year .

1977-2002, 2005-2020

The Publication History of Linguistics and Philosophy covers 1977-2002, 2005-2020 .

Open Access
Open Access

Publication Fees
Publication Fees


The language of Linguistics and Philosophy is English .


The publisher of Linguistics and Philosophy is Springer Netherlands , which locates in Netherlands .

Total Publications
Total References

Annual Publication Volume

Linguistics and Philosophy

Annual References Record

Linguistics and Philosophy

Publications References Dataset

Linguistics and Philosophy

Year Publications References
Year Publications References
1999 17 689
2000 15 720
2001 18 765
2002 23 868
2003 0 0
2004 0 0
2005 21 975
2006 17 720
2007 22 967
2008 20 975
2009 18 803
2010 19 759
2011 18 761
2012 17 754
2013 16 673
2014 17 714
2015 15 1126
2016 15 859
2017 21 1005
2018 18 1090
2019 19 1013
2020 20 1136
2021 47 3121
Publications Cites Dataset

· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 17 reports and received 689 citations in 1999.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 15 reports and received 720 citations in 2000.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 18 reports and received 765 citations in 2001.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 23 reports and received 868 citations in 2002.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 0 reports and received 0 citations in 2003.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 0 reports and received 0 citations in 2004.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 21 reports and received 975 citations in 2005.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 17 reports and received 720 citations in 2006.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 22 reports and received 967 citations in 2007.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 20 reports and received 975 citations in 2008.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 18 reports and received 803 citations in 2009.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 19 reports and received 759 citations in 2010.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 18 reports and received 761 citations in 2011.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 17 reports and received 754 citations in 2012.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 16 reports and received 673 citations in 2013.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 17 reports and received 714 citations in 2014.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 15 reports and received 1126 citations in 2015.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 15 reports and received 859 citations in 2016.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 21 reports and received 1005 citations in 2017.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 18 reports and received 1090 citations in 2018.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 19 reports and received 1013 citations in 2019.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 20 reports and received 1136 citations in 2020.
· The Linguistics and Philosophy has published 47 reports and received 3121 citations in 2021.
· The total publications of Linguistics and Philosophy is 413.
· The total citations of Linguistics and Philosophy is 20493.

Scientific Writng Keywords