Discourse and Communication
Latest Journal's Impact IF - Trend · Prediction · Ranking · Key Factor Analysis

Journal's Impact IF



-6.4 %

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Journal's Impact Ranking

Discourse and Communication

Journal's Impact Ranking
Category Quartile Rank Percentile
Social Sciences - Linguistics and Language -Q1 -142/1032
Social Sciences - Communication -Q2 -130/467
Journal's Impact IF Ranking

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Highly Cited Articles

Discourse and Communication

High Impact Research Articles
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Discourse and Communication

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Discourse and Communication

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Discourse and Communication

The 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 1.647, which is just updated in 2024.

Discourse and Communication Journal's Impact IF
Highest IF
Highest Journal's Impact IF

The highest Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 1.759.

Lowest IF
Lowest Journal's Impact IF

The lowest Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.447.

Total Growth Rate
IF Total Growth Rate

The total growth rate of Discourse and Communication IF is 113.6%.

Annual Growth Rate
IF Annual Growth Rate

The annual growth rate of Discourse and Communication IF is 11.4%.

Journal's Impact IF History

Discourse and Communication

Journal's Impact IF Trend

Year Journal's Impact IF
Year Journal's Impact IF
2024-2025 Check our Real-Time IF and IF Prediction Results
2021-2022 1.647
2020-2021 1.759
2019-2020 1.475
2018-2019 0.983
2017-2018 0.789
2016-2017 1.085
2015-2016 0.447
2014-2015 0.711
2013-2014 0.595
2012-2011 0.771
Journal's Impact IF History

· The 2021-2022 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 1.647
· The 2020-2021 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 1.759
· The 2019-2020 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 1.475
· The 2018-2019 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.983
· The 2017-2018 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.789
· The 2016-2017 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 1.085
· The 2015-2016 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.447
· The 2014-2015 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.711
· The 2013-2014 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.595
· The 2012-2011 Journal's Impact IF of Discourse and Communication is 0.771

Discourse and Communication

Journal Key Metrics
Journal Title Discourse and Communication
ISSN 1750-4813
ISSN (Online) 1750-4821
SAGE Publications Ltd
Publication Frequency
2007 - Present
Open Access
Highest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 1.759
Lowest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2024) 0.447
Total Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 113.6%
Avarage Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2024) 11.4%
Annual Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2023 - 2024) -6.4 %
Publication Fees
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Discourse and Communication

Journal's Impact IF 2024-2025 Prediction
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Discourse and Communication
Journal Profile


Discourse & Communication is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that pay specific attention to the qualitative, discourse analytical approach to issues in communication research. Besides the classical social scientific methods in communication research, such as content analysis and frame analysis, a more explicit study of the structures of discourse (text, talk, images or multimedia messages) allows unprecedented empirical insights into the many phenomena of communication. Since contemporary discourse study is not limited to the account of 'texts' or 'conversation' alone, but has extended its field to the study of the cognitive, interactional, social, cultural, political and historical 'contexts' of discourse, it is also able to be integrated in the broader study of the societal dimensions of communication. Discourse & Communication publishes substantial research articles, discussion notes as well as reviews and review articles. Its diversity is also apparent in the variety of its theories, methods and approaches, thus avoiding the frequent limitation to one school, approach or academic sect. The only criteria will be the quality, the originality and the analytical sophistication of its articles. Discourse & Communication specifically addresses readers in any field of communication who are interested in qualitative, discourse analytical approaches, on the one hand, and scholars in discourse studies, linguistics, pragmatics, semiotics and related fields who are interested in issues of communication, on the other hand. Discourse & Communication is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the fields of discourse analysis and social communication by focusing on topics in communication analyzed with discourse analytical methods. The journal was established in 2007 by Teun A. van Dijk, who still is the editor-in-chief.


The ISSN of Discourse and Communication is 1750-4813 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)

The ISSN (Online) of Discourse and Communication is 1750-4821 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

SAGE Publications Ltd

Discourse and Communication is published by SAGE Publications Ltd .

Publication Frequency
Publication Frequency

Discourse and Communication publishes reports Quarterly .

2007 - Present

The Publication History of Discourse and Communication covers 2007 - Present .

Open Access
Open Access

Publication Fees
Publication Fees


The language of Discourse and Communication is English .

United Kingdom

The publisher of Discourse and Communication is SAGE Publications Ltd , which locates in United Kingdom .

Total Publications
Total References

Annual Publication Volume

Discourse and Communication

Annual References Record

Discourse and Communication

Publications References Dataset

Discourse and Communication

Year Publications References
Year Publications References
2007 17 989
2008 22 956
2009 16 731
2010 18 601
2011 19 852
2012 18 831
2013 19 925
2014 19 872
2015 30 1225
2016 29 1442
2017 29 1380
2018 30 1490
2019 28 1413
2020 31 1423
2021 36 1837
Publications Cites Dataset

· The Discourse and Communication has published 17 reports and received 989 citations in 2007.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 22 reports and received 956 citations in 2008.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 16 reports and received 731 citations in 2009.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 18 reports and received 601 citations in 2010.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 19 reports and received 852 citations in 2011.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 18 reports and received 831 citations in 2012.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 19 reports and received 925 citations in 2013.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 19 reports and received 872 citations in 2014.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 30 reports and received 1225 citations in 2015.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 29 reports and received 1442 citations in 2016.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 29 reports and received 1380 citations in 2017.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 30 reports and received 1490 citations in 2018.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 28 reports and received 1413 citations in 2019.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 31 reports and received 1423 citations in 2020.
· The Discourse and Communication has published 36 reports and received 1837 citations in 2021.
· The total publications of Discourse and Communication is 361.
· The total citations of Discourse and Communication is 16967.

Scientific Writng Keywords