The Lancet Public Health
期刊接受率 · 期刊拒稿率
期刊接受率 & 期刊拒稿率
The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to The Lancet Public Health that was accepted for publication. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of The Lancet Public Health is 100.0%.
期刊接受率的定義是投稿到The Lancet Public Health的所有文章中最終被接受發表的比例。 根據Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System數據分析,The Lancet Public Health的最新接受率為100.0%。
年度 | 審查結果 | 主編 |
年度 | 審查結果 | 主編 |
- | Accepted | - |
The Lancet Public Health | 接受率
Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System
Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System提供了一個開放,透明和直接的平台,透過群眾的智慧提供學術研究人員選擇期刊的依據。 從今天起讓我們一同提高同行審批的透明度及公平性吧!
The Lancet Public Health | Acceptance Rate
The acceptance rate for an academic journal is dependent upon the relative demand for publishing in a particular journal, the peer review processes in place, the mix of invited and unsolicited submissions, and time to publication, among others. As such, it may be a proxy for perceived prestige and demand as compared to availability. However, locating acceptance rates for individual journals or for specific disciplines can be difficult, yet is necessary information for promotion and tenure activities. Journals with lower article acceptance rates are frequently considered to be more prestigious and more “meritorious”. As an internal benchmark, most journals will not publish their acceptance rates on their website. From their perspective, a consistently low acceptance rate may prove to be a deterrent to future submissions. Moreover, the method of calculating acceptance rates varies among journals. Some journals use all manuscripts received as a base for computing this rate. Other journals allow the editor to choose which papers are sent to reviewers and calculate the acceptance rate on those that are reviewed that is less than the total manuscripts received. Also, many editors do not maintain accurate records on this data and provide only a rough estimate.
Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System
Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System provides an open, transparent, and straightforward platform to help academic researchers support informed decisions through the wisdom of crowds. Academic Accelerator displays the exact community-driven data without secret algorithms, hidden factors, or systematic delay. Let us improve the transparency of peer-review process together!
The Lancet Public Health is a online-only, open access title in The Lancet's growing family of specialty journals. Building on the foundation of The Lancet as a champion of public health research, this monthly journal is committed to publishing high-quality original Research Articles, Editorials, Comments, and Correspondence that contribute to advancing health equity, public health practice and policy making worldwide.