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Advanced Materials
Acceptance Rate · Rejection Rate · Submission Experiences · Editor Reviews · Publish Competitiveness

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Acceptance Rate

Advanced Materials

Acceptance Rate
63.8 %

The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Advanced Materials that was accepted for publication. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of Advanced Materials is 63.8%.

Submission Experiences

When did you submit your manuscript?
What is the outcome of your manuscript?
When did you submit your manuscript?
What is the outcome of your manuscript?
When did you submit your manuscript?
What is the outcome of your manuscript?
When did you submit your manuscript?
What is the outcome of your manuscript?
When did you submit your manuscript?
What is the outcome of your manuscript?

Popular Journals

Related Journals

Advanced Materials

Similar Journals

Highly Accepted Keywords

Advanced Materials

Frequently Accepted Keywords

Editor Acceptance Rate Review

Ana V. Almeida

Acceptance Rate
100.0 %

The definition of editor acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Advanced Materials Editor Ana V. Almeida that was accepted for publication. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of Advanced Materials Editor Ana V. Almeida is 100.0%.

Editor Acceptance Rate Review

Liying Wang

Acceptance Rate
0 %

The definition of editor acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Advanced Materials Editor Liying Wang that was accepted for publication. The acceptance rate of Advanced Materials is still under calculation. Have you ever submitted your manuscript to Advanced Materials? Share with us!

Editor Acceptance Rate Review

Jolke Perelaer

Acceptance Rate
0.0 %

The definition of editor acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Advanced Materials Editor Jolke Perelaer that was accepted for publication. The acceptance rate of Advanced Materials is still under calculation. Have you ever submitted your manuscript to Advanced Materials? Share with us!

Editor Acceptance Rate Review

Dr. Lu Shi

Acceptance Rate
0 %

The definition of editor acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Advanced Materials Editor Dr. Lu Shi that was accepted for publication. The acceptance rate of Advanced Materials is still under calculation. Have you ever submitted your manuscript to Advanced Materials? Share with us!

Editor Acceptance Rate Review

Duoduo Liang

Acceptance Rate
0 %

The definition of editor acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Advanced Materials Editor Duoduo Liang that was accepted for publication. The acceptance rate of Advanced Materials is still under calculation. Have you ever submitted your manuscript to Advanced Materials? Share with us!

Journal Ranking

Advanced Materials

Journal Ranking
Subcategory Quartile Rank Percentile
Journal's Impact IF Ranking

Total Accpted Manuscripts"
Annual Accepted Manuscripts

Accepted Manuscripts Volume

Advanced Materials

Annual Publications Volume

Submission Outcome Reviews

Advanced Materials

Journal Accpetance Rate Reviews
Year Outcome Editor
Year Outcome Editor
2023 Accepted -
2023 Rejected -
2021 Rejected -
2021 Rejected -
2021 - -
2021 - -
2021 Rejected -
2021 Rejected -
2021 Rejected -
2021 Accepted -
2021 Rejected -
2021 Accepted -
2021 - -
2021 - -
2021 - -
2021 - -
2021 - -
2021 Accepted -
2021 Accepted -
2021 Accepted Ana V. Almeida
2020 Rejected Jolke Perelaer
- Accepted -
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- Accepted -
- Accepted -
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- Accepted -
- Accepted -
- Accepted -
- Accepted -
- Rejected -
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- Accepted -
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- Rejected -
- Accepted -
- Accepted -
- Accepted -
- Accepted -
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- - Dr. Lu Shi
- Accepted -
- Accepted -
- Rejected -
- Rejected -
- Rejected -
- Rejected -
- Accepted -
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- - Duoduo Liang
- - Liying Wang
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- Accepted -
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Advanced Materials

Acceptance Rate

Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate for an academic journal is dependent upon the relative demand for publishing in a particular journal, the peer review processes in place, the mix of invited and unsolicited submissions, and time to publication, among others. As such, it may be a proxy for perceived prestige and demand as compared to availability. However, locating acceptance rates for individual journals or for specific disciplines can be difficult, yet is necessary information for promotion and tenure activities. Journals with lower article acceptance rates are frequently considered to be more prestigious and more “meritorious”. As an internal benchmark, most journals will not publish their acceptance rates on their website. From their perspective, a consistently low acceptance rate may prove to be a deterrent to future submissions. Moreover, the method of calculating acceptance rates varies among journals. Some journals use all manuscripts received as a base for computing this rate. Other journals allow the editor to choose which papers are sent to reviewers and calculate the acceptance rate on those that are reviewed that is less than the total manuscripts received. Also, many editors do not maintain accurate records on this data and provide only a rough estimate. In brief, Acceptance rate (or rejection rate) is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published. It can measure the selectivity or prestige of a journal, though like many journal metrics, the raw number is not the whole story.

Calculating & Comparing acceptance rates

The method of calculating acceptance rates varies. Some journals use all manuscripts received as a base for computing the rate. Others allow the editor to choose which papers are sent to reviewers and calculate the acceptance rate on those that are reviewed that is less than the total manuscripts received. Also, many editors do not maintain accurate records on this data and provide only a rough estimate. A prestigious and multidisciplinary journal like Science or Nature will receive many more submissions than they can accommodate in publishing, regardless of merit, resulting in a low acceptance rate. A special journal on a narrow topic (like a specific disease) may only have a limited number of experts writing in the field, resulting in a higher rate. Journals that publish a limited number of paper issues would have a lower rate.

Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System

Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System provides an open, transparent, and straightforward platform to help academic researchers support informed decisions through the wisdom of crowds. Academic Accelerator displays the exact community-driven data without secret algorithms, hidden factors, or systematic delay. Let us improve the transparency of peer-review process together!

Advanced Materials | Academic Accelerator - Acceptance Rate

Advanced Materials

Journal Acceptance Rate Key Metrics
Journal Title Advanced Materials
ISSN 0935-9648
ISSN (Online) 1521-4095
Publication Frequency
1989 - Present
Open Access
Editor with Highest Acceptance Rate Ana V. Almeida
Editor with Lowest Acceptance Rate Jolke Perelaer
Publish Competitiveness Normal
Annual Accepted Manuscripts (2023 - 2024) 1893
Total Accepted Manuscripts 23593
Publication Fees
Submit Manuscript
Advanced Materials
Journal Profile


Advanced Materials has been bringing you the latest progress in materials science every week for over 30 years. Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. Advanced Materials has an Impact Factor of 25.809 (2018 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2019)). One key to the success of Advanced Materials is its pronounced interdisciplinarity. Advanced Materials is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering materials science. It includes communications, reviews, and feature articles on topics in chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, ceramics, metallurgy, and biomaterials. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2019 impact factor of 27.398.


The ISSN of Advanced Materials is 0935-9648 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.

ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Online)

The ISSN (Online) of Advanced Materials is 1521-4095 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media–print and electronic.


Advanced Materials is published by Wiley-Blackwell .

Publication Frequency
Publication Frequency

Advanced Materials publishes reports Other .

1989 - Present

The Publication History of Advanced Materials covers 1989 - Present .

Open Access
Open Access

Publication Fee
Publication Fee


The language of Advanced Materials is English .

United States

The publisher of Advanced Materials is Wiley-Blackwell , which locates in United States .